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one 600HPS v two 600HPS


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Sorry about the title, only I couldn't phrase the question well. So here go's.

Soil grow:

I have doubled my grow area for my current grow. So I now have 2x600w HPS in an area about 4x8ft. Last time, under one light and half the space, I had a rather crowded 12 girls (due to a lucky girl/boy ratio), and I ended up with around 8oz. This time, with the same size pots etc, I have been less lucky with female plants and I expect to be left with around 13/14 females. So not many more plants than before.

The question (which by now you can see coming :oldtoker:) is this........if you go into 12/12 with 12-14 plants around 20-24" high would 2 lights be much better than 1? Baring in mind that although crowded, 12-14 plants would just fit under 1 light. Would more room per plant give that much more yeild? And, does the growth during veg determine the overall yeild? I am just concerned with wasteful use of electricity.

I have taken 2 clones per plant, so next time I expect full use of the area.



Edited by nomy
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Hi nomy,

Would more room per plant give that much more yeild? And, does the growth during veg determine the overall yeild?

The short answer is Yes and Yes.

With more space and light you can let them veg a bit longer and grow bigger plants. All else being equal, this will give you a higher yield.

I dont know how you are growing hydro\soil of whatever but bare in mind that bigger plants have bigger roots.


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Thanks guys.

I have really had to put them into 12/12 now. Although I said there are only 12-14 females, that was actually a foolish lie ;) All my NL and Skunk#1 have shown preflowers and declared their sex, and there are 12-14 of these (2 not sures). The other 7 MasterKush still have not shown, but I think they will be male because under a 30x scope, they look like they have the beginnings of male gender. If I veg for any longer all the plants will suffer from lack of room, so after 2 months veging I have got to go for it now, and including the MasterKush....just in case.

Ok, how about this scenario: Two plants of identical size and in identical pots and soil going into 12/12. One in a crowded area with leaves not getting as much light as the other plant which is in plenty of room, allowing all it's leaves to get more light. Although it would seem logical to get an improved yield in the second plant, would this actually be the case?

Many thanks,


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Mainly because you will pull a lot more from the middle and lower part of the plant.

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Thanks for the help. It now turns out I have 15 females in there so it's well worth the 2 lights. Now they have more space, it will be interesting to see if they fill it with new growth, even though they are just into 12/12.


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