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Humanity. What do you understand by that term?

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Humanity as a species, or humanity as a philosophy? While the two may be interlinked, it's often tentative at best. At it's best as a philosphy I would probably summarise it as faith, hope and charity, whereby charity means mercy, not donations to a shaken box in the highstreet's cash for stickers campaign. Humanity, in it's ideal form, would primarily consist of compassion. Compassion stems from comprehension, comprehension from composition (sounds like a lot of homework - where charity is said to begin). IMHO, there may be no such thing as human rights, though of course it could be said there are many human wrongs. Human rights, as in the right to be (whatever), is easily removed by anyone who doesn't recognise them in the individual claiming to have them, which I suppose, could be called a lack of humanity.

In the end, the Universe will cease to exist and humanity will, ultimately, have achieved nothing. Humanity, again a supposition, is perhaps what we, as a species, claim to have solely. This is possibly a big assumtion on humanity's part, insisting that it is the only thing with a "soul", that appreciates "the finer things in life", e.g music, poetry, history and so on, or engages in practices such as politics, religion, philanthropy, and so forth. Strictly speaking, we are the only species that cooks our food first, mostly if it is another species, but are no better, though possibly worse, than the other animals on the planet, just a few of us think we are, or at least they are as individuals, and as such are also better than most of the rest of humanity too. Humanity might then be perceived as that thing which sets us above the rest of the animals. I could go on... and on... and on... :yinyang: but I'm sure I've bored you enough. Sorry if it's another 2p rant - have a habit of those - I must be out at least 48 pence here by now. Good question though.


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Humanity. What is it? Well, the word can either indicate "The whole species of Homo Sapiens", or it can mean "The process of behaving human-ly, like a human being". However, it also has the connotation of behaving "Generously, mercifully and politely". Context determines which meaning is intended. As to the latter two definitions, both are subjective and require clarification.

Or maybe it has to do with being "Humane", ie - tender and compassionate?

Other animals, however, can sometimes exhibit humane behaviour.

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:spliff: - that's my point exactly - told you I could rant on a bit - :yinyang: - I'm not very good at explaining myself sometimes. Well put AL, thanks (unless you just pulled it from a dictionary - then shame on you) Cheers :unsure:
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Satanism. I do believe a very ancient tribe in remotest Iraq (or thereabouts) still parctices the authentic and original Satanism. It predates Judaism and Christianity if my memory serves me at all correctly, and is far from an "evil" practice. Rather Judaism and Christianity (which may both be said to spring from the ancient Mesopotamian Theologies) demonised it and twisted it. I think. I need to go an re-read the book I got this from, its all quite fascinating.

This sounds quite interesting...

As is the changeover to male deities and male headmanship with the arrival of writing (Mesopotamia again, hinted at in the Abrahamic texts). Seems we let our left brain get out of hand. This is why I prefer private, personal spiritual practice over overt "Religion". In my experience, the best of spiritual prcatice comes when the logic centres are re-balanced, and the right brain allowed free range. Then the Godess comes back in view, as does holism.

This sounds a little confusing...

Abraham got it wrong. He attached testicles to JHWH, a bad move, and one that Moses amplified and took as central. In reality, Genesis and the Mosaic code just form a mysogenist text designed to drive the Godess into oblivion. Hence the attack on the Golden Calf (which I take as a decidedly female symbol - western theology swallows too much and sees it as male, a bull. But in truth the bull's horns are symbolic in the ancient world of the feminine womb and genitalia, of female fecundity), which was a revertion to godess worship.


Mate, I'd love to know how you learnt all this stuff, but at the same time I'm glad I don't have to go read it myself, if you know what I mean...

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