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circulating fan, curly leaves

Guest wallace

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Guest wallace

B) wot is the point in using a small circulating fan? is it beneficial? where do i position it?also, the new growth on my plants is very curly and a bit yellow?

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Hi Wallace

A small breeze will stengthen the stems.

A breeze will also lower humidity to cut down on bud rot.

The yellowing+curling

Probably need to know a few other things.....

Lighting, growing medium, feeding habits, plant age/stage.

You say new growth...

Could it be too close to the light if it is at the top?.


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To add to Wilbur's good advice it is unnatural for a plant to be in an environment with no air circulation.

Air never stops circulating on the outside.

Circulation stops the air from forming layers, hot at the top and cold at the bottom.

Circulation also helps delivers fresh air to the leaves.

Its very important.

I expect by now you have realised that I like circulation.

I have a couple of oscillating fans blowing across the tops of my plants this gives me all the circulation I need and enables me to get the light a bit closer without burning the tops.



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Guest wallace

The plants are old-ish mother plants about 10 inches tall, im using Bio Bizz All-Mix and have fed them twice so far with Bio-Bizz Grow. They have been re potted into 10 litre pots from sum quite small pots say about 1 litre. I also use Liquid Oxygen with my water, does any body have any advice on using it? Should i be using it? Thanx! :oldtoker:

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if you can afford it, i've found that a dump fan works better, a small in-line extractor taking stale air from below the root enviroment and dumping it over the light and canopy.all it moves is the leaves and gives top air circulation.some people like to see the stems move, personaly i don't, as less stress as possiable is best

and i an able to lower my light a few inces.

i'm still trying to get a difference of between 1-2 in night and day temp though then they should be stress free.(did i mention i play them classical music 24-7)

some people believe in stressing a plant,some people don't.

sittingrelaxing :oldtoker:

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Wallace.....! You mention liquid oxygen? I guess you mean HO, Hydrogen Peroxide? While ths has GREAT benefits in hydro grows, NFT, F&D....I think you will damage the microbial actions in the soil by using it.........

I'm not 100% sure, but I think you will be doing a lot of harm with this.......See if we get any more opiniion though....

Yeah, circulation is good......

Good Luck Wallace....


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More info on the liquid oxygen please, thats a new one on me, only though it was used for rocket fuel!

Rocket fuelled weed, I like the sound of that!!

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Its actually hydrogen peroxide that is used, not liquid oxygen (which is liquid at -godknows degrees and is highly volatile).

The point of using it is that it breaks down into water and oxygen in the solution, and increases oxygen available to the roots. It is also handy as it can help kill bacteria and mold spores around the root system.

Never used it in soil though, but always use it in passive hydro or nft setups.

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