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Has anyone tried Hydrogen Peroxide that you can buy from the chemists instead of OxyPlus??

It seems to me that it is the same stuff only a different concentration?

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Yes H2O2 is OxyPlus and Hydrogen Peroxide, all the same thing. The stuff from chemists is usually 3% ie weak and very very expensive. OxyPlus is 17.5%, personally I buy H2O2 from a chemical factor at 35% concentration.

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Thanks Oldtimer, the stuff I got (from Moss chemists) is only 9% and was 69p for 250mls, I dont know if they do any larger quantities but in this size it is definitly cheaper than OxplPlus even when you take into account the difference in strength.

Would it be possible to find a chem factor in the yellow pages and what kind of questions do they ask?

thanks again


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A friend bought a 25 litre carboy from hays chemicals, gave a grow shop addy, paid cash. No Q’s. Finding small quantities will be harder, also you need to take care handling 35% it reacts if you get it on bare skin.

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you may be able to order it directly from a supplier such as Sigma. A quick search reveals 59 different options for hydrogen peroxide. This (if it works) should be suitable. Sorry, I've no details on price/volume to hand and at the moment the site isn't giving them even if you're registered .

Main safety risks are as Ot1 says, it causes burns in contact with skin. It also goes up a treat with any combustible material.

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