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What's best for munchies?


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Does anyone have any thoughts on the best food for munchies?.

I used to think it was piza but i always eat too much of it and feel too full to smoke any more (which isn't good).

Recently i have taken to buying a couple of really cheap packs of coconut ring biscuits from the local shop, they work wonders, and don't fill you up too much.

Love to hear your thoughts.   :(

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Personally... We've found the best thing is a slice of toasted white bread with butter. Possibly with peanut butter on it too. All washed down with some dilute lime cordial.

Don't even ask how we found this out.

Other ideas we've had...

Aforementioned peanut butter and toast with chopped banana. (absolutely gorgeous)

A soft-centre chocolate squeezed between 2 rich tea biscuits. (The whole tastes greater than the sum of its component parts)

Bourbon biscuit with a layer of BBQ sauce then crushed doritos over that (You can probably imagine. It tastes as good as it sounds)

Pizza and mayonnaise. (pretty good, probably pretty common too.)

And, last but not least, The Ultimate Sandwich. get some big bread, 2 slices. Butter to taste. Add: 1 burger, 2 rashers of bacon, 3 fish fingers, a chicken burger, 2 sausages, a few chips. Season to taste.  (It's good. It's REALLY good. Not suitable for vegetarians ) :(

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i have a penchant for king size twix's and salt and vinegar walkers crisps just now

hehe it fits the gap :(

if you remeber the slogan

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A soft-centre chocolate squeezed between 2 rich tea biscuits. (The whole tastes greater than the sum of its component parts)

Bourbon biscuit with a layer of BBQ sauce then crushed doritos over that (You can probably imagine. It tastes as good as it sounds)

Pizza and mayonnaise. (pretty good, probably pretty common too)

....................are you pregnant?

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Take some fresh white bread, and a mars bar or snickers (marathon for those completely wasted for the past decade) toast the bread cut the bar into slices of about 5mm thick liberaly place over the toast and return to grill. What you end up with is a kind of chocolate toastie with the added bonus that the chocolate melts on the inside leaving a kind of caramelised outside. Taste tastic ? nice way to mask the taste of a 16th of good hash   :(

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Frighty nice conncoction of tastes heh heh  ;)  :D

Rice crispies in fact any cereal does me !!

Toasted cheese and baby tomatoes inside pitta bread toasted until the cheese is all melted,  yum yum !!

a cold straight outta the fridge Topic umm squirrel shit :D

Dutch Pancakes and a pizza type ciabbata covered in ham cheese and pineapple straight out of the oven both experienced in Dam and copied here by me yummmmmmmmmmmmmy !!

:(  :)

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Between me and most of my stoning mates, it's well known that milk is best for combating dry mouth.

    And i (personally) discovered that the best cereal to compliment it was Bran Flakes, i think this is because they go soft quite quickly, so there's not to much effort involved in eating them! plus theres not a lot of struggle involved in making them, and there ready in 20 seconds, so no painful waiting. Also, there great warmed up in the microwave for 1/2 minutes

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm...I'd say with a nice bit of sativa/high bud it has to be haribo (like cola bottles, the little bear things, etc) and most hash is suited to something more savoury/sweet, maybe cereals (chocolcate rice crispy cakes even better;)) ....Danish whirls? Pattiserie stuff. MMMmmm.

Of course, if you're in the motor then you know the score - packet of walkers , ginsters pasty and can of coke/ribena



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If were talking munch then there are some DEFINITE must haves

Mini-Muffins - little mouth sized balls of fluffy choclaty goodness, covered in speckles of green and yellow sugar! MMM MMM


White Chocolate Buttons

Boost or Double Decker!

I don't know how you could drink milk for dry mouth - it just makes SLIME mouth for me!  :oldtoker:

TEA is the only winner on that score - but ya have to keep it coming!

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There is one thing and only one thing for the munchies: Burger king!

Its fatty, its heart clogging and its made of 100% recycled rat but i swear it tastes like ambrosia (the food of the gods, not the bloody custard) when chonged. A bk triple melt (when they do them) sets my tastebuds on fire. Sugary milkshakes are also good.

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What a great thread. I've just got in and sipping a Stella and smokin a thin one to start with, this is a good stuff.

So far my vote is split between Frighty who seems to really understand the importance of quantity,


Splan. Oh man, Curly Wurleys, that is not just food, that is like reaching out to the unknown - a thousand textures and tastes dancing over your tongue. I would marry the first girl who ever turned up on a date with Curly Wurleys. I used to buy em wholesale by the box at Costco - can you imagine - 144 Curley Wurleys?? They even look good just static in the box.

My current thing? - theres a kebab van a couple of hundred yards (metres for you metric fans) just down the road. I could eat em til I'm sick, loads of chilli sauce, mixed salad, the full monty. Absolutley monster.

All washed down with Stella.

Its all good stuff, and I've got used to being 48 stones now.

Steve The Weed

:oldtoker:  :oldtoker:  :oldtoker:

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