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Medi-canna-poster To Download And Print


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hello im gunna leave this here for people to down load and print off...they're for waving around at rallies, leaving around for people to read in Dr's surgery's, or just to post off to government members and councilors and stuff...if a hundred people down load it and print off 10 copy's each thats a thousand posters up and down the country...not bad for such a small effort... :wink:



when i get round to it i'l do some more for different target audiences, if anybody else wants to do one thats cool..the more the better, i know theres some good designers here.. :wink:

if you wanted to do one yourself -

open photoshop - create new doc (choose a4 size from drop down menu, 150dpi) - do your design - if its not 8bit RGB already, convert it - export to 'image ready' and get the file size down to 3.5meg (i think... ;) ..) and post it up!



sorry mod's im not double posting i just thought, rather than take over a different thread i'd do this here.. :yahoo:

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another...inspired by the massive injustices from yesterday..


feel free to print off and leave places.. i found that choosing 'a4' from your printer 'page set up' button gets best results... :)


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if you wanted to do one yourself -

open photoshop - create new doc (choose a4 size from drop down menu, 150dpi) - do your design - if its not 8bit RGB already, convert it - export to 'image ready' and get the file size down to 3.5meg (i think... :rofl: ..) and post it up!



nice work!!... i might try and make one??

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nice work!!... i might try and make one??

go for it mate ..let the creativity flow.. :stoned:

i've read about photoshop on here loads of times, can anyone provide a link to get it ????????

sorry if its a dopey question

go to google and type in 'photoshop cs2 torrent' and loads of links should appear like magic... :smoke: ..you have to have a torrent downloader to download torrents...i've just got a good one called 'u torrent'..its really good


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go to google and type in 'photoshop cs2 torrent' and loads of links should appear like magic... :rofl: ..you have to have a torrent downloader to download torrents...i've just got a good one called 'u torrent'..its really good


cheers m8

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Lovely work. I will certainly be spreading the first one about, but surely these days no one gets locked up in the UK for just smoking ?

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Lovely work. I will certainly be spreading the first one about, but surely these days no one gets locked up in the UK for just smoking ?

yeah i know what you mean about the smoking bit.. :wink: i looked at the poster this morning and thought hmmm shall i change it...probably will...im on the decriminalization side of the fence as-well as the medical side, when going away for the weekend i usally take a nice handful of weed, if a police man walked past my car and smelt the weed they'd probably nick me, take my weed and search my house, they'd find more weed and possibly send me down..and it doesn't need too be like this..thats why i put smoker.. :rofl: .but i know what your on about , it doesn't sit pretty as im looking at it know

this is wht im looking for though...'feed back'.. :smoke: ..cos im just sat in my house on my own at the mo...(mrs twigs back in england for a few weeks... :doh: )...i get angry then bash out a poster and theres nobody to bounce ideas off...

if anyones got any poster/flyer ideas this could be a little work shop type thing...if we could get a bit more of an identity (posters in the same fonts and colours, like a brand id) then we, the smokers of the UK could represent our selves abit better maybe ..i dont know..im not stoned yet so im not thinking straight

rizla...rizla where did i put me rizla

cheers mate.. :blub:


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  • 4 weeks later...

No offence, but you need to correct the spelling on those posters if anyone is going to take you seriously. :headpain: Nice graphics tho!

PS - Wouldn't Adobe Illustrator be a better option for producing posters?

Edited by stonerelite
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  • 3 weeks later...
No offence, but you need to correct the spelling on those posters if anyone is going to take you seriously. :yahoo: Nice graphics tho!

PS - Wouldn't Adobe Illustrator be a better option for producing posters?

wel dun four noticing..

mrs twigs piont'd oute my mistaks as sone as shee returnd..butt mi towers douwn at the momment so no edting kan bee dun.. :wink:

illustrator and photoshop are pretty much the same thing these days, and they genrally work best when used together..also depends on what work your producing too... PS has more image editing capability's and is more straight forward for somebody who has never done this kind of thing before... :stoned:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I appreciate where your coming from but..

I don't like the second one (no offence).

If someone just quickly looks at the poster they read..

Yep Pedo & Canna, it's what they get in the tabloids.

Don't put the words together like that.

Put the info in there but not that type set.

Canna, safe, harmless, misunderstood.

Should be the bold words.

I have no talent for this kind of thing so carry on flying the flag.

Not having a go just constructive criticism.


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I've done work for engineering journals in the past and the reprographics people wont accept pictures less than 300dpi. I'd go for 600dpi as a minimum myself. Out of interest, our laser printers at work print at 1200dpi.

150dpi is a little bit low if you want nice quality prints. :nerd:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I appreciate where your coming from but..

I don't like the second one (no offence).

If someone just quickly looks at the poster they read..

Yep Pedo & Canna, it's what they get in the tabloids.

Don't put the words together like that.

Put the info in there but not that type set.

Canna, safe, harmless, misunderstood.

Should be the bold words.

I have no talent for this kind of thing so carry on flying the flag.

Not having a go just constructive criticism.


..i see where your coming from..no offence taken mate.. :wink: ..i did the second poster out of rage from the news stoys of the day (back then) when they were sending cannabis people to prison and letting pedo's go...grrr made me very angry.


First one is very helpful: Informative, eye-catching & straight to the point.
..cheers mate i've recently got a new tower so im going to stop being lazy and make a couple more...
I've done work for engineering journals in the past and the reprographics people wont accept pictures less than 300dpi. I'd go for 600dpi as a minimum myself. Out of interest, our laser printers at work print at 1200dpi.

150dpi is a little bit low if you want nice quality prints. :)

cheers for your input Inda.. :guitar: ..they're not really ment for repro places, i dont want people to get into trouble..im trying to keep cost's down for people to just print off there home printers..if they were 300dpi it would eat ink as-well..but if you wont you could take it to busyprint and they'll do a lazer copy for you, 5p ago or somthing..but if you print them off onto a4 at home they come out fine..

im going to do some more now i've got my computer up and running again and may do some for a3 printing if anyones interested in printing them..i'l put a bit more thought and time into the new ones... :stoned:

maybe we could pool our ideas if you worked with graphics before..i use'd to do tv titles and animation shows...plus theres got to be a couple of graphic designers here?...


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great stuff twigs - sorry i've missed out on this thread before

i like the message in '1' & the style of '2'

producing b/w posters would be much easier/cheaper for most home kits & has loads of dynamic whap too

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