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Flushing? How Long/methods In Compost

Guest scarface


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Guest scarfaceshady

hi people after all this confusion ive been having over flushing i decided to ask ot1 and he replied with this which i have posted below, i think this is really valuble information for any non organic compost grower , its really sorted my head out on the subject anyway

here it is - my question and ot1s answer

scarface question-

many many thanks ot1 thats much more what i was after

so would you suggest or advise on maybe looking into a flushing solution of sorts? any perticular in mind?

ive got a bottle of ata organics flavour kicking about which maybe i could use for the final week would that work maybe?as it sounds a little like nesta solution obviously not the same but a similar principle

i was thinking maybe i could start using it after i finish my pk13-14 week i dunno

thanks again mate


ot1 reply-

only by understanding can you make judgments. I have tried many methods over the years and tend to do things from how the plants look and smell.

The nesta formula was what most modern clearing solutions were developed from, personally I don't like canna nutrients and especially anything to do with Bcuzz, but I'm probably biased! If it was me I would buy a small bottle of bb grow, about 4 or 5 quid and start using it 2.5 to 3 weeks before the finish date, no more chems, it would last a year or twos worth of grows. Thats not what you want to hear. The thing about growing is really there are no fixed formulas.

What happens if you use low levels of bb grow in the last few weeks of flowering, is it gives time for most of any excesses of fertiliser to be metabolised, and slightly change the potash levels in the plant, this should improve the burn and taste. Its not possible to get rid of any bad bad metabolites from nutrient impurities, we have not been into that, as I said it could take a book.

Rough guide for bb grow 3ml per litre first water reduced to 2ml per litre next water then 1.5 or 1 to the end. I hate being quoted on things like this. I’m forever being quoted from when I answered RD’s question on how he should feed his plants, its forever being called Ot’s feeding guide, ok it worked for RD and loads of people have stuck to it like glue and swear by it, to me they have learnt little or nothing and I feel like I wasted my time. It was meant to be a rough outline to play with not a fixed anything. If I were you, I would try several variations a little different on each plant and one plant fed as normal. From that you could find what works best in your growing conditions, compost, plants and fertilisers etc.

I hope this helps,

many many thanks for this ot1 i understand all this a whole lot better now - your a true gent


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I’ve watched this industry grow from absolutely nothing, ie from where people were mixing their own hydro formulas from chemical salts at home to the multi billion industry it has become today, where people like canna and the rest sell liquid concentrate made with chemical salts that cost little more than the water used to make them up to a liquid.

I remember Jertz’s farm when it sold organic sundries from a barn as a side trade and watched it develop into the billion euro multinational industry BioBizz has become today. All of them trying to take a bigger slice of the pie, to do this they try and sell you a dream, all the scientific research they have done, instil in you a need to buy their products.

Its mostly spin and bullshit, the standard horticultural industry don’t do this, do you think there is a difference between the nutritional needs of cannabis [A plant that when grown for fibre or seed needs little or no fertiliser, is still growing as an escape, a weed in the USA and aus after nearly 70 years of continually trying to eradicate it.] and those that are tender horticultural crops like tomatoes, peppers, ladies finger etc?

Leaving aside organic and chemical, do you think there is a difference in material cost, researching and making compost between those made for cannabis and those made for the gardening market and commercial horticultural producer?

Why do you think Canna Professional Plus costs about £17 or 18 for 50 litres in most grow shops and you can get 150 litres of Westlands mp + JI for £9.99p? Westlands are doing very well and making good profits as a by the by, so are all the compost companies that get rated well in the which guide. Do you really think the canna product is worth over 5 times the price? Do you think it produces a bigger crop or better buds?

The industry that has grown up to supply the cannabis growing black economy has become a cartel that feeds off you, it has become so crooked it could walk through a corkscrew sideways. So please treat the spin and lies it produces with the knowledge of what it is. They are selling you hollywood dreams, promising you heaven.

I am not saying the industry does not produce some good products, because they do. In answer to hairy face, grow bloom and fishmix are still very good products, they have been altered a little the npk is not the same now as when first published and dilution rates gone down a little again from when first given, but out of all the BioBizz products these three are the only ones that would probably get approval by the soil association.

As a note several other cannabis organic nutrients are putting the soil association mark of approval on their labels. The soil association mark is verification that the soil association has checked the product, approved it and monitors several times a year that the standards are being kept to, inspectors make random visits etc, thing is I can’t find any of them listed as approved by the soil association. When you read the small print they say made from ingredients approved by the soil association. That does not make the fertiliser soil association approved or that the soil association has checked and is monitoring them, or come to that even knows who they are.

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I am not saying the industry does not produce some good products, because they do. In answer to hairy face, grow bloom and fishmix are still very good products, they have been altered a little the npk is not the same now as when first published and dilution rates gone down a little again from when first given, but out of all the BioBizz products these three are the only ones that would probably get approval by the soil association.

Thanks for that ot. I'll stick with BioBizz for now.

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Guest dirtbikeal

very intresting thread thanks for starting it scarfaceshady mate.Sorry you feel quoted all the time ot1 but i think people do that because you make such good sense when replying to peoples questions and having a vast knowledge of horticulture.I myself have used your guide albeit with slightly different ratios, but i do belieive that we need to learn and educate ourselves as to what works and how much of each! but as always we need a quide to start from.Just to add in final week of flowering biobizz grow all the way 1ml per ltre bloom and topmax stopped no flushing here :headpain:

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Guest scarfaceshady

thats cool dirtbikeal

i got to say this thread has converted me to biobizz products for sure - already ordered and i cant wait tbh

just wish i had of done it sooner , just gonna have to wait and see how they fair up against the others ive used


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Thanks OT1 for all your invaluable comments! You make such any interesting read!

And Lots of Thanks scarfaceshady for starting this thread! I think it will inspirer a lot of people!

OT1 Rocks! (-_-)

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Guest scarfaceshady

cheers push process ,yeah i agree its very informative - well i understand what i want to do with my own grow now anyway


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Fantastic thread! Very informative.

I've only finished 1 grow to date but last time around I didn't flush with pure water. For the last 7 days they were given a weak grow feed (BioBizz) when dry (1ml p/l) and no bloom at all.

I think it worked well this way and have just started to do the same regime on a few of my plants now at week 7.

No complaints from me mates anyhow. They couldn't get enough!

Wiz :wassnnme:

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