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Anyone know any good.......


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....... Nitrogen only products available easily in the UK.

Thing is, I want to add some extra N to my ladies, who are 3 weeks into 12/12, without having to cut back on the Bloom nutes.

Noticed more (and earlier) yellowing of fan leaves on this grow - I suspect due to the fact that I'm trying smaller pots this time round for more of a SOG attempt.


Ionic nutes - pH6.8-7 (Bloom at present)

6" square pots (used to be 10" round pots)

2 x 400w Hps in 3' x 7' (appx) area

Any thoughts ideas... prefferably something easily available in the UK and also needs to be able to be fed as liquid (not practical to be mixing stuff in the soil - like bloodmeal - at this point in the grow....

Thanks folks... L8r

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  • 3 weeks later...


If I understand right you are growing in 6" pots on soil.

You can "top dress" the pots with an organic nitrogen source. Urine is high in nitro and benefecial bacteria but a bit on the smelly side same goes for fish based ferts. You could use steamed chick or bat manure as a top dressing that will give your ladies a boost without burning them. You could make an organic "tea" and feed them. There is also any number of high nitro chemical fert available. I have never had a reason to add nitro to my grows during flowering. If you are using a bloom complete fert you should not have to add anything so maybe consider if its really a necessity.

Hope ity works out for you M8


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there is a product on the market called Greenup, which gives a N boost.

http://www.planet-hydro.com does it for £12.50 for 1ltr, but I am not sure if they do mail order. Phone em up and ask. I have not seen it on any other sites.

If you are getting yellowing, be sure that you have been washing your plants thru properly, as this is often the cause of most nutrient disorders, and its very easy to misdiagnose. Might be an idea to check the PH of your soil as well, to make sure that the nutrients are being taken up correctly.

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