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Does Anyone Out There Believe In God?


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People who smoke cannabis, which tends to open one's third eye and provide wider perceptions, and especially people who grow cannabis, surely must see the evidence of intelligent design in their plants? But cannabis also stimulates intellectual theorising and can cause users to withdraw into their minds, giving the illusion of separation and leading to the irrational belief that the world is an accident and we're alone in it.

what I see when I smoke my cannabis is not some divine intelligent design, what I see is a delicate symbiotic relationship between not just man and plant but between the plant and all living animals that choose to ingest it that has been slowly developing for many tens of thousands of years.

The plant offers benefits which in turn ensures it's own survival, just like with flowers and bees, I really don't see any need for any higher intelligence to be at work in that process, just survival and mutual benefit, logic and common sense, why do we need to throw the concept of god in there ? it's a totally redundant idea if you ask me.

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do i believe in god? no.

does he exist? personaly not in my conciousness but that doesn't mean that he doesn't exist in someone else's.

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By the look of how this topic is going it seams that bods that smoke dont belive in god or religion! Is that cos tokeing somehow make you see reality clearer or our own minds clearer? (-_-)

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If you dont have belief, you have nothing. So yes, I do.

But keep in mind, I believe God does not intervein with anything, he is only there to guide you thorough life etc


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No I don't think that there is an all controlling god that created the universe, scientific research disproves biblical fiction. If anybody believes that there is a god that is their belief, I on the other hand favor scientific fact. I also believe that religion/god was invented as a means to A control the masses B explain everything around them.

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Yes I do. I know from past posts that many people on this forum are antagonistic towards those who share my beliefs, so many who do believe will not admit it here. Peace brothers, please don't shoot us believers down in smoke. :wink:

Edited by Weed Genie
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Hey ninorc,

That theosophical degree payed off then eh!

Nice synopsis. :smoke:

Thanks for the compliment, but I'm an autodidact who cannot accept any received truth that can't be demonstrated empirically. ;)
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Does it matter what I believe ? If God exists it is so far greater than me as to make me as insignificant to it as a single bacterium is to humans, probably even more insignificant. The very idea that something as powerful as to have created everything can have one iota of interest in a single species confined to a single rock in one of countless billions of solar systems is arrogant in the extreme. If there is a god, it probably doesn't even know we exist.

And it's a big if. I know it's a facile argument, but if God created everything, what created God ? Either everything requires a creator, including the creator, or nothing does, you can't have it both ways. So no, I don't believe in God, but if I'm wrong, I doubt God cares, or is even aware of my existence let alone my denial of It's existence. And there has never been a place for God in organised religion, that's got absolutely fuck all to do with God and everything to do with man's vanity and desire to control. If god does exist, it's never been inside a church, mosque or synagogue, they are the most truly godless places in creation, temples to the glory of man's vanity, not god.

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Guest be_my_flame

I dont know how so dont ask me but our decendents have to create everything, were in a time loop or paradox, whatever its called its nice to know there a long way to go :smoke:

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