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Does Anyone Out There Believe In God?


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Guest scarfaceshady

i dont believe in god i think christianity itself was just a massive scam (now making the church billions every year)if anything these people that have been written in the bible etc about were probably magicians(illusionists) of some kind,

or maybe its just ive had quite abit of shit to deal with in the past as have we all, but thats probably why im so sceptical, anyway thats my thoughts on it



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I tend to believe in science and 'aliens' more than myth or urban legends, here's a cool picture I just posted on the alien thread here in the free4all..


To answer a question that I can already see coming.. "who made all that"

I have no idea but i'm sure someone/something out there know's more than us!

Eye Of God! (-_-)


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No, i think God and religion was made up by people in charge to control the masses, ' behave yourself, be good to each other and you'll go to a better place ' , be bad and you'll go to Hell.

there's too much evidence in science and evolution to say there's a God who made life, we are not the center of the universe, in fact in the scale of space, we're just a speck.

even the archbishop of Canterbury was unsure and shaken in his beliefs after the Asian tsunami, how could God do that on Boxing day?,

ooohh God works in mysterious ways, fuck off, over 250,000 highly religious people died on that day.What did they do wrong?

But if people want to believe in God/Allah etc. etc. then fair play to them, thats their choice.

just my opinion

I think the whole concept of god is such a primitive one, we should have left it behind centuries ago, religion is dragging us back as a species and creating artificial divisions and conflicts we'll never have world peace until we drop these ludicrous ideas that keep us all apart.

hear, hear....

My thoughts exactly,how can humans evolve any further if they are wrapped up in seperate silly religions that are MAN MADE...

If religions where banned and all those people started looking out for one another(as mother nature intended)we the human race would be gods ourselves,instead of making money off one another and lying,make peace,help one another,look to the future, the human race as one could go on to greatness.As it is now we are all eating away at one another,being selfish and inconsidirate, this is already ruining this planet and its occupants,when will we learn.......


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Guest Lazlo Woodbine

If there is a 'God' .... then he's in your head..... :wink:

Religion???? .. as has been said just a control tool for the masses ....and a way for an individual to absolve themselves of responsibility for their own actions .... :)

I reckon Hypocrisy & Religion are the cosiest of bed-fellows .... :guitar:

I refer you to the quote under my cat .... lol


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absolutley not

it was a book designed to bering people under the first governbent rules. Social control and migration, and weve been fucked for 2k years.

fear and damnation to rule

to see the errors of there ways, etc

its a dictum and hypocrytical to boot.

tis all bollox and for those who do believe he she it exists, fair play, but with my condition , the only conclusion I have that one of my parents is spawned from the other half, and they shouls have never been allowed to shag.

churches , now dont get me going on these monstrocities. should be converted into economic homes for the poor and afflicted.

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absolutley not

it was a book designed to bering people under the first governbent rules. Social control and migration, and weve been fucked for 2k years.

fear and damnation to rule

to see the errors of there ways, etc

its a dictum and hypocrytical to boot.

tis all bollox and for those who do believe he she it exists, fair play, but with my condition , the only conclusion I have that one of my parents is spawned from the other half, and they shouls have never been allowed to shag.

churches , now dont get me going on these monstrocities. should be converted into economic homes for the poor and afflicted.

Well Said!!! (-_-)

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I thought I saw Jesus on a tram, I said...'are you Jesus? He said...'yes I am'

I don't believe in an actual higher being. I believe we make our own heaven and hell right here on earth.


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Don't confuse God with religion. It should be increasingly obvious that organised religion is a scam designed to subjugate people and divide them. The three Western monotheisms - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - have been corrupted by extremists whose aggression directly contradicts the basic tenet of all three of those religions, which is that God is Love.

The idea of God as a wise old man with a beard is obsolete. The concept of an external, paternalistic authority figure who sits in judgement upon us and rewards piety with pie-in-the-sky was only ever a crude control strategy, which is no longer relevant. To that extent, God is dead.

However, I'm not sure that I've ever met a true atheist, who completely rejects the notion of a Divine intelligence that animates the Universe around us. Actually, I don't think the existence of God is a matter of belief, more awareness. We all have a conscience and an instinctual understanding of the natural order of the Universe. We can choose to attune to and develop that understanding through spiritual practice, or not.

People who smoke cannabis, which tends to open one's third eye and provide wider perceptions, and especially people who grow cannabis, surely must see the evidence of intelligent design in their plants? But cannabis also stimulates intellectual theorising and can cause users to withdraw into their minds, giving the illusion of separation and leading to the irrational belief that the world is an accident and we're alone in it.

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I believe we make our own heaven and hell right here on earth.

I believe a very small minority of people have been very busy making life hell for everyone else.

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jesus would probably be diagnosed a schizophrenic by todays standards (and it would likely be closer to the truth than him being the son of god - apologies to the religious folk here, but thats my view).

are we really meant to believe that mary got married and then never had sex until she immaculately conceived jesus, for all that time they were married before jesus was born - no nookie!

yeah right, ofcourse!

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