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Nutrient advice


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Can anyone give me a bit of advice regarding nutrients?

I've searched around the growshops on the net but to be honest, I'm not completely sure what I'm after...

My plant is well in flower, the buds are just starting to grow (between quarter and half inch) and soon I reckon they'l take off. I know I need to feed them soon, until now I've been relying on re-potting and the nute's in the compost.

I'd like something that has been tested and will not leave a taste in the end product, I was thinking organic maybe.. I've read about organic and many things state to expect a lower yeild. Since this is my first grow, I might use normal nute's to compare the results with organic.

I've got well over 50 bud sites all under direct light on the canopy, I really want to fatten them up lol

If anyone has any advice to offer, I'd be grateful if you could include prices/links..

Many thanks in advance.


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Hi there Jontz

I think for flowering you need a high middle number NPK = high Phosphorous.

I think Cannabis is a bit unusual in this because most other plants use Phosphorous for rooting and only need a high P feed in Spring.

The man at the garden centre asked me what I needed a high Phosphorous feed for in Autumn! Oops!

I am using Miracle-gro for flowering 15:30:15 - about £3 for 500g - seems to be working!



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Personally, I use Canna nutrients, as I find they give good results and do not leave a chemical aftertaste in the buds.

There is also a product out there called Final Flush which is supposed to get rid of any residual chemicals in the plants, but I have not tried that one yet, so can't really comment.

If you flush properly during the last 2 weeks you should not get much of an aftertaste anyway.

Avoid Ionic nutrients though. They are a great big steaming pile of shit, and have a nasty tendancy to lock up Magnesium in the plant.

Optimum can give good results, but seems to leave an excess of crystalised salts, so you need to wash thru every 2 weeks without fail.

Depends on your system, and the plant, to be honest.

Also, make sure you get Hard Water nutrients if you live in a hard water area, or you will forever adding phosphoric acid to your tank to bring the PH down

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Cheers for the advice guys... ;)

I'm on to it... Update y'all soon.

I've got a couple of picture taken, maybe have them up by Monday.. (Slow mate's + cameras don't mix).

Take care all...

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