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just germed my seeds then planted in a 50% potting soil 25% worm castings and 25% 21-8-12 with some miracle grow the second day pungent ammonia smell someone please help was it the miracle grow they were in the dark as recommended on overgrow any help would be deeply appreciated

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Sorry not sure about the ammonia smell, it could suggest the soil is to wet and something in the mix is rotting and going off. I take it the seeds aren't above the surface yet as you say they are still in the dark.

When you used the Miracle Grow did you mean the liquid/blue powder fert you mix up your self or the miracle grow peat based compost?

Hold back on the nutrients they don't need any at this early stage in their life, there should be more than enough in the soil already. And that Miracle grow stuff is rather on the strong side and might burn your young plants, and it leaves a very chemical taste in the finished bud. I don't use the nasty stuff my self, good for garden plants I suppose but not anything you would want to eat or smoke yourself.

All the best with it,

Bud Brother :woot:

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No expert M8 - but that mix sounds way over the top for seeds.

You shouldn't need any feed for yonks, I don't use any at all till around day 50 of veg, and then only a taddly little bit


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Datfic are you from accross the pond?

Small plants do best in seed or cuttings compost. Think of a little plant like a baby it cant deal with large amounts of food/nutrients. Give your babies to much and you can make then sick or even kill them.

So either use seed/cutting or universial compost untill the plants have made a good bit of growth then move to potting soil.

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It seems datfic got his advice from OG ;) , luckily we have the info you need here.

I did post a thread somewhere on these boards and pinned it....but like many other threads of mine they seem to just disappear... :D


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