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Sativa SCROG


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Hi, just a quickie, i was wondering if you can grow Sativa SCROG. I am about finish my first grow and plan to grow SCROG next time from clones. I will stick with what i have at the moment but wondered if you can grow Sativa with its tall and leggy personality using SCROG.

If so any particular favorite strains?


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You can scrog anything! :ninja:

You'll probably have to look after it a bit more than an indica plant but it wont be a problem.

Best of luck. lol:rolleyes:

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Cheers chaps.

TUK, cheers, I have checked out NewGanjaBoy before with his SWC SCROG and plan something very similiar in the future but want a few soil grows under my belt before giving Hydro a go. Will keep a note of Silver Pearl for future reference. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just remember to leave a little bit more room between plants. ScrOG is really just about laying plants flat under the wire and letting the buds grow through sideways toward the light. The plants will still stretch, though not to the same extent, and you will be tying them down to the screen, so they're sort of stretching horizontally instead of vertically. Just as Sativa's need a bit more head height than Indica’s they'll also need a little more room for training.

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