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Got Bud Rot


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i notice some of my bud going brown, real crispy brown and i hacked it off and looked closely and it had some kind of mold on it, not mushy or brown but light grey like hazy fur. I was gutted. i only have 2 plants and have already had 2 hack off quite a bit from each - didnt want it spreading. i have got another fan in there and sprayed with organic fungus stuff which shud get keep me clear for the couple of weeks i have left.

Now i have some bud thats not really bad looking just looks like its been burned by lights and OK a bit hairy if u look closely :unsure: i dont have luxury to spare so what can i do with it, every1 says dont smoke it that i have read and i cant afford bubble bags (i have seen some people write that you can do this) so can i recover this bud somehow??? :yinyang:

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And welcome to uk420 to you too ;)

Well theres nowt like getting stuck in so here goes lol

You need more air exchange not just a fan blowing lol

What ventilation have you got and what size room,and what light :unsure:

And no never smoke affected bud ;)

Owd :yinyang:

Edited by Owderb
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yea it has a decent ruck fan its only a wardrobe. so... any ideas what to do with affected bud apart from binning or bubble bags?

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i notice some of my bud going brown, real crispy brown and i hacked it off and looked closely and it had some kind of mold on it, not mushy or brown but light grey like hazy fur. I was gutted. i only have 2 plants and have already had 2 hack off quite a bit from each - didnt want it spreading. i have got another fan in there and sprayed with organic fungus stuff which shud get keep me clear for the couple of weeks i have left.

Now i have some bud thats not really bad looking just looks like its been burned by lights and OK a bit hairy if u look closely :rofl: i dont have luxury to spare so what can i do with it, every1 says dont smoke it that i have read and i cant afford bubble bags (i have seen some people write that you can do this) so can i recover this bud somehow??? :ouch:

hello there sorry to say this but dont smoke the rot get rid quick andkeep a very close eye on it :rofl: had it once but took the effected lady straight out lucky enough all the rest were fine only lost 2 buds but smoked the rest and it seemed fine greedy little person that i am :smoke: take care and good luck :rofl:
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