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Hi all .... there's just been a mass pot up sesh here :sweaty: not the best of chore's :smoke:

While doing this & potting & topping my doctor/haze thing & put it out side to see if when the daylight hours go down to 10ish if it will flower , it wont with 12 hours like the one in flower now , soon to be dead :stoned:

Anyway as i was potting up both my janis's FDM , i noticd this problem/funga in the very bottom leaves on both the one hollands hope has it but nowhere as bad as the janis ?

Anyone came across this before , is it fungal , bad watering practice , somsort of nute def :unsure:

Dont like it as its killed of a couple of leaves on each allready , i WONT have these janis die on me :no:

Here's a pic of the janis's in question :wink:




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Last but not least a loverly unknown sativa domminant plant ... aint she nice :unsure:

More to the point whats do you think of the janis's :stoned::sweaty:



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Hi all .... there's just been a mass pot up sesh here :sweaty: not the best of chore's :smoke:

While doing this & potting & topping my doctor/haze thing & put it out side to see if when the daylight hours go down to 10ish if it will flower , it wont with 12 hours like the one in flower now , soon to be dead :stoned:

Anyway as i was potting up both my janis's FDM , i noticd this problem/funga in the very bottom leaves on both the one hollands hope has it but nowhere as bad as the janis ?

Anyone came across this before , is it fungal , bad watering practice , somsort of nute def :unsure:

Dont like it as its killed of a couple of leaves on each allready , i WONT have these janis die on me :no:

Here's a pic of the janis's in question :wink:

I think it might be fungus I've had something like that before on some of my plants, it might be caused by overwatering or possibly poor ventilation, I usually notice it when conditions in my veg box get a bit *ahem* crowded .

I've never seen it kill a plant yet so hopefully it's not much to worry about.

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I think it might be fungus I've had something like that before on some of my plants, it might be caused by overwatering or possibly poor ventilation, I usually notice it when conditions in my veg box get a bit *ahem* crowded .

I've never seen it kill a plant yet so hopefully it's not much to worry about.

Cheers lizard :wink:

Well to say the veg room's over crowded is an understatment :sweaty:

& well the enviroment is'nt as good as in my flower room .... ill let em really dry out inbetween watering's to see if this helps :unsure:

At least i know it shouldnt kill them .... Fdm janis :smoke:

Nice one mate :stoned:

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Hi all .... there's just been a mass pot up sesh here ;) not the best of chore's :wassnnme:

As far as grow room chores go, give me pottin' up over trimmin' anyday! :yinyang:

Edited by Muppet
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As far as grow room chores go, give me pottin' up over trimmin' anyday! lol

lol lol true muppet lol

However with trimming your collecting all that lovely scissor hash & gettng the ladies ready to be dried & smoked ... the worst thing with potting up is the mess soil etc your left with after ;)


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Hi Lawless..

Janis being a bit troublesome is she?

me and a couple of mates who have grown out the pheno that we have are finding her quite fussy ..not sure exactly what it is but she seems pretty picky on nutes and environment,much more than anything else we have growing atm..

,,give her a lovely sunny garden and nice wholesome multi purpose and she dont complain too much though..click

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Hi Lawless..

Janis being a bit troublesome is she?

me and a couple of mates who have grown out the pheno that we have are finding her quite fussy ..not sure exactly what it is but she seems pretty picky on nutes and environment,much more than anything else we have growing atm..

,,give her a lovely sunny garden and nice wholesome multi purpose and she dont complain too much though..click

Ahhh thnaks cf , good to hear from people who've grown her ;)

She looks lovely in those pics in the link , you smoked her what's the taste & high like , ive read some good things about her :rofl: B)

I rekon it maybe just maybe from when i had a little bit epsom salt spray left in me gun so i gave the jans & HH a little spray .... this could of burnt the baby leave's :rofl: the've been potted up now so can have water only till they pick up :)

Im sure they be alot more at home & happier in my flower room when they get there eventully , temps & humidity are spot on atm :yahoo:

cheers cf :ninja:

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you smoked her what's the taste & high like

shes got a fair kick Lawless , i quite like her but she isnt to everybodies taste ,some folks seem to be a bit down on her for her sativa like stone...pretty up and buzzy (good for me coz i'm so lazy :rofl: )

... i kinda like that buzz as long as i have something a bit more heavy to smoke to settle me back down after i have had a few hits of janis...

we only got gifted one clone a while back which from looking at other grows on here is the more sativa influenced plant ,it'll be interesting watching your janis's and see the variation between the phenos.

have a looks kafka's topics and cheech's too for more janis info

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shes got a fair kick Lawless , i quite like her but she isnt to everybodies taste ,some folks seem to be a bit down on her for her sativa like stone...pretty up and buzzy (good for me coz i'm so lazy :yinyang: )

... i kinda like that buzz as long as i have something a bit more heavy to smoke to settle me back down after i have had a few hits of janis...

we only got gifted one clone a while back which from looking at other grows on here is the more sativa influenced plant ,it'll be interesting watching your janis's and see the variation between the phenos.

have a looks kafka's topics and cheech's too for more janis info

Thanks Cf .... im defo after a sativa dom , love the high off of the sativa domminant plants :guitar:

I do like an up & buzzy high , the SSH is like that , & i too need some kind of indica dom after to bring me back down to the setee :stoned:

Mine are picking up now ive potted em up & let em dry out more they seem happy :smoke:

Ill check out kafka's janis thread ... cheers cf mate :guitar::afro:

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howdi lawless :yinyang:

lookin good there....

one question tho........the girl at the back right of your potting up shot--howd she get so tall and skinny?--is she a mother whos been cloned recently..?

cheers dude


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Cheers lonstar :guitar:

I take it your on about the lanky sandstorm :guitar:

I recently tok clones from the bottom ( not a mother as such) & topped her 3 diff place's .... now if you've ever grown a 100% indica you'll know they veg slower than the others , so she's recovering slowly :afro:

hoping to get her into flower in 10 ish days , nice one :yinyang:

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