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I think i've almost got all my setup. Everything apart from nutes. I just want to know though. What else has to be timers. Im using an aquafarm, so the drip system for that has to be on timer and be turned on for 15mins three times a day to water the plant, correct? And the light has to be on for 18hrs a day for veg and 12 hours a day for flowering, correct?

So the light and the drip system are the only things that have to be on timers?

Does the intake fan HAVE TO be on timer aswell?

Anything else that have to be on timers either?

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would all depend on yer individual needs man, ya got the basics covered though.

Some folks have fans on timers either to let or prevent heat build up, silly to have a heater on for instance when u could just extract the heat from the light at timed intervals, if takes 15 mins before room gets to hot can time the fans to suit keeping the place warm but not overheated and still have decent air changes, totally personal choice though.

Edited by Owderb
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15 min three times a day is kind of low for a aquafarm. Its best if you can leave the air pump on as much as possible so the roots get a lot of oxygen. Maybe have the air pump running when lights are on and then switched off via the lights timer when dark. Its usually other types of hydro kit (flood and drain ) or setups that use a lot of rockwool where you just run the water pump a few times a day as rockwool stays damp for quite a while

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