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Is This That Gritty Shite thats going around???

Big - L

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Can I have everyone's opinion on this, please?

It has what seems to be excessive trichomes, but it's like a layer of green fur. I'm sure it isn't trichs. It does the job, no sore throat or anything. It isn't gritty or burning weirdly, so I suspect it's nothing really hamrful. I've just not seen it before.

If you drop it, it lands more adibly than normal gear would. It also had a vague aroma that I recognise bt cannot place.


Edited by Owderb
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cant really tell with those pics swirlygirl...have you peeked at it thru a lens?

Sorry, I know they are shit; I tried and tried to get a decent macro :wink:

I'll have a closer look.... I'm thinking it could be cornflour or something?? It's very powdery.

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ya see this is it,it could be anything powdered or sprayed on somehow!!

ditch the dealer!!

I'd love to, but I have no choice...... I've gone into the grow thing time and time again and it's just not a viable option for me.

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y not?

Mostly because I have no space; I had to move home due to ill health, and bring a houseful of stuff with me... my room looks like a bric-a-brac shop as it is. There's no way on Earth I could fit anything else in.

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for those of us who have not had our crops yet and this is all we can get hold of, is there a good way to remove these contaminants? soak in water maybe? what do u think?

Seconded. It's a nice little smoke aside from this, a method of cleaning would be useful...

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everyone is caught up in the fact this weed is gritty to the feel and taste imagine what it does to ur lungs if u see it DONT BUY IT even if u is desperate soon sellers will get the message

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for those of us who have not had our crops yet and this is all we can get hold of, is there a good way to remove these contaminants? soak in water maybe? what do u think?

Seconded. It's a nice little smoke aside from this, a method of cleaning would be useful...

Hi,the last "sugared"weed i bought,i washed it in boiled water that had been left for a few minutes,swirl it around,leave it for 5 mins then drain on to kitchen towel,then dry it,it will save your weed.good luck.

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Guest djdavid4u

thats fucked thats just smoking green stuff with cigg

anybody reading this

for this to stop you must start growing or get a mate to grow

if you cant grow, get a mate to grow. I always here people talk about doing it but they never try

this sprayed shit is fucking everyone up.

i used to buy the shit if you read in earlier posts when i 1st joined i was having this problem

it was that problem that got me here

i didnt have space or money to do it so i got a pal and learned and taught him and now because of that i can get some joints when i need

it is all about ditching the dealer and cuting out an illegal and corrupted trade

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for those of us who have not had our crops yet and this is all we can get hold of, is there a good way to remove these contaminants? soak in water maybe? what do u think?

Seconded. It's a nice little smoke aside from this, a method of cleaning would be useful...

Hi,the last "sugared"weed i bought,i washed it in boiled water that had been left for a few minutes,swirl it around,leave it for 5 mins then drain on to kitchen towel,then dry it,it will save your weed.good luck.

Thank you very much, this is what I was after :wink:


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Not meaning to burst everyone's bubble here..... but I hear so many people talking about the possibility of damaging yourself through smoking sprayed buds " Just think what It must be doing to your lungs??".

Hold that thought...... surely if you were thinking about your lungs you wouldn't be lighting up in the first place?

People talk like cannabis is beneficial to the body..... and in some cases it may well be- but what about all the carcinogens- and the links to cancer??

Would love to hear someone's take on this.

the Jester

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it is all about ditching the dealer and cuting out an illegal and corrupted trade

Mate, it doesn't matter where it comes from...... from your bezzie mate of from " Jamal" the local dealer..... in the eyes of the law your still a crim and its still illegal, possession is still an offence, how does cutting out the dealer reduce the illegality of it?

If anything you criminalise yourself even further- instead of only being guilty of possession........ you can be found guilty of cultivation....... intent to supply etc???

Explain that shit to me.

the Jester

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There is some right shit stuff going round the west midlands at the moment, I don't know what the hell they've sprayed this weed with (I cringed as I typed weed as you can't even call it weed), when you break the bud up to sprinkle it leaves a funny smell on your fingers and if you smell a spliff that's burnt itself out it smells like piss.

Yeah, I'm around the same area, the decent stuff is a bit dry, not about all the time, demand outstrips supply.

I refuse to buy any of that contaminated shit, rather go without.

I reckon it must be those vietnamese gangs flooding the market with shit nobody wants because they're harvesting early and has chemicals sprayed to bulk up the weight. It's the exact same weed as 'glass weed', just not as contaminated.

The dealers I buy off while I'm waiting for my crop don't even bother buying it anymore because nobody wants it.

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