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Do Femm'd Seeds Hermie More?

Gnu Boy

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The reason i ask is, i've had the odd plant go hermie on me before, but my last crop went 100% to seed, every plant. That has not happened to me before not ALL of them, now i find the clones i took have gone the same way! :yinyang:

So that's two full crops, first from femmed seed, second from clones from these plants and every single sodding plant has gone to seed again!

Now i've never used feminised seeds before, mainly due to cost, and i don't want to risk the same happening again so i think i'll stick to standard seeds in future which is a shame as i have a hell of a lot of seeds from these two crops but i'm loathe to plant any!

If i dyed my hair blonde i swear i'd get black dandruff!

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The reason i ask is, i've had the odd plant go hermie on me before, but my last crop went 100% to seed, every plant. That has not happened to me before not ALL of them, now i find the clones i took have gone the same way! :yinyang:

So that's two full crops, first from femmed seed, second from clones from these plants and every single sodding plant has gone to seed again!

Now i've never used feminised seeds before, mainly due to cost, and i don't want to risk the same happening again so i think i'll stick to standard seeds in future which is a shame as i have a hell of a lot of seeds from these two crops but i'm loathe to plant any!

If i dyed my hair blonde i swear i'd get black dandruff!

ye m8 if u take clones from hermies there is a good chance that the clones will be hermie,hence the name CLONE.......good luck with ur future grows.. :tv_horror:

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fem seeds are dodgy imo, i have had problems in the past same as yours ditch them and stick to regular seed and you have the option to keep a male and hack some seeds of your own


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Yeah both these grows have been a right pain, £100 on seeds, lots of new gear, nutes etc &* this is what you get!?


I have THOUSANDS of bloody seeds, the weed is ok but not great (i guess with all the goodness going into the seeds) but does anyone know...

Will the seeds most likely hermie as well?

In other words are the seeds worth keeping?

Well that's me done with femm'd seed then, i'd only ever seen two hermies in four years up to this lot!


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Will the seeds most likely hermie as well?

In other words are the seeds worth keeping?

hi m8,

yes the seeds have a good chance of doing the same and no the seeds are not realy viable .the seeds maybee fine but its not worth the gamble get some regular seed and maybee try a few of your own but keep a close watch on them cos you dont want more bloody seeds.proberbly better to sow them outside next year or just bin em


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I have usedAD REMOVED a lot and have had just 2 plants go hermie out of about 50 odd, and that was late in flower so didn't bother me that much as I pinched a few sacs off and that was that.

Edited by Owderb
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Ah well cheers fella, back to the old drawring board!

All that time & money down the crapper, i wish i'd known they were hermie before i started these cuttings!

Well it's smokeable so not a total loss but it'll teach me to spend cash on expensive seeds! (Dutch Passion)

I'll stick with Nirvana's £10 specials in future, used them loads with no problems in the past.

ed. Hi dangled, yup i'd guess my ratio up to now would be about the same, of course now it's about 30 plants in 2 crops all 100% seeded, i even steam cleaned the flowering room to make sure there was no pollen or other nasties!

I should've just scrapped all the cuttings after the first lot turned, bloody plants, try try try again i guess!

Edited by Gnu Boy
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if you check out marijuana botany by r connel clark m8, it will tell you about genetic ratio's.

from hazy recolection, 25% of the seeds will not carry the hermie trait, but check out the book to be sure.

you can get it online noworries, i have the bookmark saved in a html file somewhere, but i really would have to go searching through lots of backup dvd's to find it m8 soz.

just google for marijuana botany and you should get to an online html version of the book, you want the 3rd part of the book i think for the genetic stuff.

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not being patronizing, but you sure you ain't recently had a light leak?

Not being patronising at all mate, just good thinking, i've checked it out & from inside the grow room with lights out it's as close to pitch black as you can get, like someone has just nicked your eyeballs out of your head.

The first crop went hermie & i assumed it was stress as they were hit by a fungal infection, but this second lot should've been perfect, no light, no infections or pests, Ph ok, nothing out of the ordinary at all except a few high temps this time due to the heat outside during the day (it was up about 90f) but other grows have had the same set-up with no worries...

Well i guess i do the next lot from standard seed, but that'll be months away now, & try again

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Not sure whats going on with yours mate, but I always use pre femmed seeds and not had one hermie yet. I only use Dutch Passion though as they invented the things.

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