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Ethiopian Highland


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Just wondering if any of you Sativa lovers have tried growing Ethiopian Highland from African Seeds, indoors yet?

The specs (taken from Seeds Direct) says:

Considered the finest in the world by the ruling Empress Zauditu and Ras Tafari who became the Emperor Haile Selassie this pure sativa comes direct from the ancient land of Ethiopia in what we believe is a world first. Cultivated and inbred by his latter day followers in the city of Shashemene this sativa grows well at altitude and in cooler climates. Buds typically long sativa with visible resin droplets providing a clear energetic high.

Plants are shorter, branched and stockier than the tall bushy southern african types. Should also do well indoors but not fully trialed yet.

Any additional info on this strains growing parameters will be much appreciated.

All the best.


PS. Is anyone growing any SAGE or Western Winds at the mo?

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As a word of caution I would advise reading the companies notes on germination very carefully and following them. AF tried popping some of their Tanzanian magic, had no success and gave four of them to me to have a go - my propagator did nothing for them as it maintains a tempearature of 75 F and they need it much hotter to germ 90-95 F, eventually got one to germ, using a scalpal (not for the feint hearted :)

The remaining plant was a predominantly female but early showing hermie that was pulled. I wouldn't have liked to have tried them as my first experience of germing but liked the 4 week (unless they've changed the web info) flowering time promised.


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Arnold Layne - Hi m8. They sure do look and sound a bit yummy don't they.

utopiate - Thanks for the warning on germination. It's a shame those Taz seeds never saw fruitation as I bet they would have turned out to be an outstanding smoke. cheers M8.

Anyone else had success germinating/growing African Seeds indoors? Com'on you know ya wanna share those juicy details with us! :)

Peace & Weed


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This is the blurb on SeedsDirect for the Tazanian Magic, seeing as it was mentioned:

Original seed stock from the highland tea growing region in southern tanzania, this short fast flowering sativa gives short stocky plants with sticky compact buds. Leaves pencil slim. Suited well to indoor growing under lights or behind glass, flowering starts in 4 weeks with large bud formation in 8-10weeks. Good for cooler outdoor climates. Very potent electric high.

If anyone does grow any of the African Seeds strains to harvest, I would be most interested in the results.



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