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Description Needed Please


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Would someone be able to help with a problem i have had for nearly 3 weeks.

Could someone please describe

1. What happens to leaves that are very short of Nitrogen til they die,

2.the same with overfeeding please.

Any help is very much appreciated please as i very much stuck. :)

Thank you :)

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Hi Mate, growing in westlands organic in pots outside, couple of doses of biobizz bloom and grow, lowest amount. plants 3 wk in floor, forcing em :rofl: Thanks

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The whole leaf goes yellow including the veins when its a N def

The veins stay green when its a mg def

Overfeeding shows burn marks on the very tip and edges at first.

You say you are forcing them,where do they go for their dark period and has it plenty of ventilation and not too humid and hot :rofl:

Owd :rofl:

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The whole leaf goes yellow including the veins when its a N def

Hi Owderb, does it go brown, shrivel and die in the end.

Plants in shed with fan on, same as last year no probs then. They fine every morning but go back at night to put them in and more leaves effected :rofl:

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Hi Owderb, does it go brown, shrivel and die in the end

Yes eventually :blub:

And as regards the shed...Its alot hotter this year and its lasted longer :rofl:

My guess is that its a fungal problem due to the environment in the shed :blub:

Owd :rofl:

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Thanks Owderb, they may be suffocating if they not getting fresh air for 12hrs.

I may say sod it and leave them out and chance it. They 3 wks in and considering the circumstances the buds still coming thick and fast. I will work out the daylight hrs now. Thanks Owderb.

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wil leaving the shed door open all day then close it when you put your babies to sleep might have a bit ov freshness in shed :wassnnme: prob not mate carnt you buy a couple ov lightproof pasive vents...

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Hi LNIN the shed door open all day anyway :yinyang:

They ok overnight the damage seems to be done during the day :wink:

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