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dont know if this is going to make sence but here we go.

a mate was offered canabis going by the name of monkey (or prehapse something sounding like that), and we were wondering if this was bud, or crappy soap or just some southern slang term i dont know of, or if it is something to be avoided, or if it was some bloke talking bollox and actin big and clever?


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Not a strain I have ever heard of mate.

What you probably are dealing with is someone who has found a seed in some dodgy, random bag of weed that he has no idea of the strain, and has just named it himself when, to his suprise, it grew.

Its probably not been grown that well either, because if the person involved was prepared to put the time and effort into setting up a growroom, learning how to do it all, and then loving tending his plants for 3 months or so, then chances are, they would have bothered to source some decent genetic stock as well (altho I do know people who do this, and consequently, can't work out why their weed is shit - but then, they dry it with a dehumidifier in 3 days as well!!!!).

I could be wrong, if he grew it outdoors, for example, and did'nt mess around with it too much, you might get some decent smoke, but I would'nt bet on it lol

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i don't know anyone else has heard it but monkey is just a slang term for herb, you know like fatty lumpkin or tea, pot, green...blahdey blah...you know what i mean.


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