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I am planning a growroom...


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I am planning it to be 3'6"wide x 2'6"deep x 7'- 8'tall. The set-up that seems favourite (at the mo'), is the 4 pot, flood and drain from Esoteric hydro, with an air-cooled 400w lamp.

The two "outside" walls are brick, I am intending to build a studwork frame for the other two walls (it's going in the rear corner of the garage), with half inch ply. I am planning on having two 4" fans on 24/7, in and out, (as well as the obligatory circulation fan inside the room) with the fan on the lamp just running when the light is on - should the extractor for the lamp be a 5" fan?

Does this sound workable, and what is the best type of lamp to get, for both flowering and vegging? (I've been confused by science trying to work out what lamp I will need!). Also, will I need to cover in the joists in the garage with ply, or will the garage roof be okay as it is, with the joists exposed?

Thankyou in anticipation.

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Hi Cytral,

Take a look at this post by Ot1 ... good reading before you decide what lights to use.



PS: I am currently flowering under a MH and have been failry impressed with the results so far.

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Cheers for that mate. The muddy water is clearing, slowly, and the view is becoming clearer (It's still feckin murky though!). Decisions, decisions :ninja:

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Hi cytral

It all sounds good, best just to get on with it and learn as much as you can.

But, are the 4'' fans LTi's? Because i think you will definitely need these if your air cooled light is to work properly. this is one place a B & Q extractor won't cut the mustard and the money youve spent on the air cooled kit will be wasted.

Ive not used the set up you are talking about, but i have heard good reports in the past.

It is probably best to create a complet box rather than having the room exposed to the rafters of the garage. First, it makes it easier to control the environment and second, it lessens the chance of light leaking out, or in for that matter.

Lights, do check out ot1's thread, nice one space cadet ;)

but if you are looking for a good all round bulb to start with in a 400w, try an agro or grolux as they represent hps and metal halide. Apparently it is best to have a mix of lamps, but in order to keep it less complicated, its a good way to go. Ive been using these types of bulbs for years after trying different stuff in the past, and IMO, they do the job.

Best of luck


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Cheers Chip. The fans will be LTi's, for sure, and thanks for the advice ref: roof. I've got a couple of weeks before I can do anything though. I have to get a door put into the garage from the patio... ;) and the door and the growroom will be built on the same day. I'm just trying to clarify everything, to try and make sure that I have everything ready, and correct, for the day. *Planning* is my new mantra!!!

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