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Vegging And Flowering?


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Hi all

Have just got some pukka skunk plants underway in a small greenhouse and have been looking through the site for the last hour or so for general tips and advice as this is my 1st ever grow, at the moment hough I am gettin a bit bogged down with it all,

I dont want to be spoon fed info but would sombody(s) mind taking a couple of minutes to tell me about the different stages of the plants life cycle, what i should be doing at each stage and the significance of putting the plants in a dark room towards the end of the grow.

Big Thanks :angry:

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hello ian

if you plant it straight into the ground in your green house it will grow. the grow phase will start to flower in around aug as thas when the days are getting shorter for it. come 31st oct if its a strain that will finish in this country pick dry (cure) then smoke

a box can speed it up by putting it to bed before dark and before aug you can fool it into eairly flowering. you have to be really commited to do this and not miss a day so maybe not for your first go.

Do you know if your plants a girl or not?

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ok, thanks for that, yeah they are all girls, so i take it then that i dont have to move them into the shed around sept time?

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ok, thanks for that, yeah they are all girls, so i take it then that i dont have to move them into the shed around sept time?

there are people on here that could advise you better than me. But if there in a green house you should be fine. Even if they were outside i cant see a problem. Some people do heat there green houses and this can help in the colder months. plus cutting the resk of bud rot i think :yinyang:

How many are you thinking of growing?

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Have 5 plants started off, was expecting /hoping to harvest 3-4, its still early doors byt i'm so excited eathing them each day

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