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hi dudes,

1st off a big thanks to chip for speedy reply reply with last post. You guys go the extra mile to make newbies feel welcome, feels good to be part of a community with so many sound peeps.


My 2 plants are about 7 and 10 inches in height respectively, in 7.5 litre pots, roots are noticable through the bottom and i think they will need repotting soon, about a week's time.

Have never really repotted plants from such large containers before and i am concerened about damage to the roots if i just tip them out. will they hold together?

What method does anyone else use? Do they even need bigger pots?

I would obviously like to keep the pots that they are in at the mo.

At present, they are in purely a general purpose compost, should i do a vermiculite / coco coir mix for the repotting? can this be mixed in / around the roots and (some of) the original compost carefully removed, or is this playing with fire?

I have also purchased some 'Chempak formula 2', 25 - 15 - 15, should i start to intoduce this before repotting, immediately after, or give it a few days / weeks after repotting. Does anyone else use this - recommended dosage?

I know there's a lot here but help with any of it would be greatly appreciated.

have to go now, that spiff wont smoke it's self




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:D high mashed,

hope you and your ladies are well ?! i couldnt really comment on the nutes mate, but personally my last grow was flowered and harvested from 7.5 pots.

and i didnt see/have any probs with them, i think also it depends on how long you veg for ?

someone will be along soon ref the nutes mate honest :D

hope this helps ya bud :D

hemlok lol

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