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Hiya! First post so go gentle.

I'm gonna do a greenhouse grow in the UK. Since my greenhouse has no electricity and I can't use pumps to pump air or water I thought I'd try growing them in AutoPots.

Has anyone has any success with Autopots? If so what medium did you grow in?

I'm also wanting to aquire some seeds. I fancy durban or perhaps early girl from reading the posts. What I do want is something that dosen't totally stink the greehouse out and that dosen't grow too tall.

Can anyone reccommend a strain and tell me who would be the best to get them from via UK420 shop?

That's it for now.

Great resource BTW.


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Guest BushBandicoot

You might want to think again about autopots for in your gr/house if you can't get some electricity out there. Ideally, you want some airstones in the bottom of your pots to prevent root fungus and rot setting in when using the autopots, they're good and I've used them indoors in the past with great results but not in a gr/house. Also if you're going to be growing in a gr/house you'll be needing some fan heater to raise the temps a little come autumn to circulate the air and keep condensation down at night inside.

I'd get some leccy sorted for your gr/house :D

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Guest dr rockster

Hiya! First post so go gentle.

I'm gonna do a greenhouse grow in the UK. Since my greenhouse has no electricity and I can't use pumps to pump air or water I thought I'd try growing them in AutoPots.

Has anyone has any success with Autopots? If so what medium did you grow in?

I'm also wanting to aquire some seeds. I fancy durban or perhaps early girl from reading the posts. What I do want is something that dosen't totally stink the greehouse out and that dosen't grow too tall.

Can anyone reccommend a strain and tell me who would be the best to get them from via UK420 shop?

That's it for now.

Great resource BTW.


Hiya Greenhousegrow,

a big welcome to UK420!

Don't use autopots myself so can't advise on that aspect of your post,but just wanted to say hi. :D

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Guest BushBandicoot

Why not just plant your plants in the ground? :D

Oh, aye, and hello :ninja:

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Hi BushBandicoot, and all. Thanks for such a warm welcome. I'm sure I'll be sticking around as this seems a friendly web site and it seems the only dumb questions are those that are not searched for and asked.

I'm afraid the greenhouse is little out in the sticks to start wiring up electricity so it's a definite no no as far as that is concerned. I could rig up a generator but I think that would give the game away.

I'm glad you mentioned that the autopot may need an airstone and the fact that still water will go stagnant and cause problems. I'd have steamed in and bought a 2 pot system.

I've seen a solar powered pump on ebay, quite pricey at over £30 but I'm wondering if this will suffice? It has 2 airlines and uses solar power to oxygenate koi ponds. It says that it only works in direct sunlight so it may be a little hit and miss in sunny BARNSLEY.

Perhaps I should just water by hand?

Regarding growing mediums for autopots. What would you reccomend for a greenhouse grow?

Also I'd like a little advice on who to use for seeds in your shop. I'm scared that I'll just get some sterilised hemp that you can get at the fishing shop at 30p per KG and not the real thing. I know there have been a few posts regarding seeds but the hyperlinks removed so that people don't just start blatently advertising.

Can anyone who has purchsed seeds from vendors in the shop PM me with some good seed banks that they have bought from and raised good plants?

Having good fun here reading the posts and gaining more knowledge.

Again, thanks for the great resource and all your efforts! :wink:

I'm sure I'll be posting a few pics when I understand and get setup right.

Just reading Joerge Cervantes Marijuana Horticulture / the indoor / outdoor medical grower's bible. A very good and well illustrated book.

Couldn't stop laughing when I saw this. It's me!



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Guest Red Dragon

I'm afraid the greenhouse is little out in the sticks to start wiring up electricity so it's a definite no no as far as that is concerned.

I'm glad you mentioned that the autopot may need an airstone and the fact that still water will go stagnant and cause problems. I'd have steamed in and bought a 2 pot system.

I've seen a solar powered pump on ebay, quite pricey at over £30 but I'm wondering if this will suffice? It has 2 airlines and uses solar power to oxygenate koi ponds. It says that it only works in direct sunlight so it may be a little hit and miss in sunny BARNSLEY.

Perhaps I should just water by hand?

Regarding growing mediums for autopots. What would you reccomend.

So electrickery is out of the question? Dont let it put you off. You got physics on your side :bag:.

I'm thinking of an autopot grow right now so have spent some time researching. Whats been said about aerating the nutrient is bang on the money and if its not an option, then I would look elsewhere for your grow system.

You mention hand-watering? Why not? Out in the sticks its the perfect way to get to know your plants. Feeding every three or four days is no great hardship so thats an option too. You could even use all the same grow-media/nutrients that you wanted to use in autopots, (coco, rockwool, compost etc), but fed by hand!

Then of course you got science on your team. The whole ethos of autopot is to use capiliary action to feed the plants. For the sake of setting up some sort of "wick" system, capilliary action could still be used to feed your plants in your absence for the sake of a little thought early on. Capilliary action discounts hydroton pebbles as a grow media. One to bear in mind ;).

Also I'd like a little advice on who to use for seeds in your shop. I'm scared that I'll just get some sterilised hemp that you can get at the fishing shop at 30p per KG and not the real thing. I know there have been a few posts regarding seeds but the hyperlinks removed so that people don't just start blatently advertising.

Can anyone who has purchsed seeds from vendors in the shop PM me with some good seed banks that they have bought from and raised good plants?

Yes mate. Buy them from the UK420 seed shop. We got thousands of members here who wont shop anywhere else but dont just take my word for it....ask around. ;)

Having good fun here reading the posts and gaining more knowledge.

Again, thanks for the great resource and all your efforts! :rofl:


I hope this helps but if you need more info, just shout.

...and welcome to UK420 BTW! :P

Good luck with the grow.


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Hi Red Dragon, glad of your input.

Yes, if I can't aerate the water then I gather it's a waste of time.

Maybe I'll try one of these solar pumps out and give you all the low down on it. Anyone else used one?

Actually, I would be down at the greenhouse at least 2 time a day so I suppose watering by hand would not be a problem. I've been into Bonsai for over 12 years and have experience at keeping them on a fine line, between life and death and I would imagine that it's the same with cannabis - with experience you can see and respond to the plants needs.

The reason I thought I would go for an autopot is that it takes care of watering on an even level and my inexperience of growing cannabis would probably kill it by over watering or under watering. Plus it's a nice little device if things get on top to just pick up, run and and dispose of :-)

Perhaps I should look at some sort of wick system. Would this also require aerating as it is still stagnant water at the end of the day?

I'm definitely gonna grow in pots. I think I'm gonna use coco as a medium.

Do Autopots need flushing every now and then to get rid of nutrient buildups?

Of couse I've got science on my team. I found uk420.com right?

Gonna have a breeze through the seed shop. Don't fancy ordering with paypal or Credit card.

Is there a post your cash option?




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Guest Red Dragon

Hi Red Dragon, glad of your input.

Yes, if I can't aerate the water then I gather it's a waste of time.

Maybe I'll try one of these solar pumps out and give you all the low down on it. Anyone else used one?

Not having used one myself I cant comment. As for autopots being a waste of time without aeration, I wouldnt go anywhere near as strong as that but if you plan to be away from your plants for any period of time, aerated water would be the ideal. You mention you will be onsite twice a day, so I really dont see hand-watering being an issue.

Actually, I would be down at the greenhouse at least 2 time a day so I suppose watering by hand would not be a problem. I've been into Bonsai for over 12 years and have experience at keeping them on a fine line, between life and death and I would imagine that it's the same with cannabis - with experience you can see and respond to the plants needs.

There are a few bonsai growers here-abouts. I'm sure you'll fit right in. :ouch:

The reason I thought I would go for an autopot is that it takes care of watering on an even level and my inexperience of growing cannabis would probably kill it by over watering or under watering. Plus it's a nice little device if things get on top to just pick up, run and and dispose of :-)

Just grow it as if it where a chinese elm. Water/feed as and when the plant asks for it, and you'll be fine.

My plants are constantly on the verge of drout and the dryer root-mass seems to me at least, to pay dividends. It is a weed at the end of the day and it really does take some killing, (although I grant you some manage it with aplomb).

Perhaps I should look at some sort of wick system. Would this also require aerating as it is still stagnant water at the end of the day?

Same rules apply.

I'm definitely gonna grow in pots. I think I'm gonna use coco as a medium.

Do Autopots need flushing every now and then to get rid of nutrient buildups?

If you're going to use COGr to grow your weed, check out the canna-uk site for all the information you could wish for, straight from the horses mouth.

To flush, or not to flush. That question gets asked a lot! I would say flush, some would say dont. Sitting firmly on the fence and not wanting to get into a barney, I have to say the choice is yours :wassnnme:.

Of couse I've got science on my team. I found uk420.com right?

Damn straight! :wassnnme:

Gonna have a breeze through the seed shop. Don't fancy ordering with paypal or Credit card.

Is there a post your cash option?

The hours I've lost in that seed shop :). Crank a PM message off to Joolz and ask what he can sort out for you. He can be quite accomodating :)

All the best with. I'll keep an eye out for how your getting on :unsure:



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Guest BushBandicoot

Why not just germ your seeds, any outdoor or gr/house-suitable variety from the store, plant into 3" or 4" pots to start with if you want or just stick em straight into the soil. Nice and simple :wassnnme:

Take summat like the 5ltr plastic bottles that you get anti-freeze or windscreen wash stuff in (wash the container out with soapy water, rinse and rinse again) and just take your water to the gr/house every day or every other day on a roll-on, roll-off basis. What you don't use on the day, you can keep at the gr/house for the next visit or whatever. That should do, I don't see the point in pumps and any of that stuff really. Why bother with having autopots when you're going to be visiting so frequently ?

Your main concern is going to be excessive heat through the day in summer and dampness come autumn, that's where you want to concentrating on imo for a decent grow. Oh, and if you want to go for the simpler option as above, you want to be getting the soil in the gr/house turned over now and some nutrients for the plants mixed in, some slow release ferts or fish, blood and bonemeal or summat would do :wassnnme:

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Hi, after all your help and guidance I think I'm just gonna grown them like my tomatoes.

Start them off in 3 inch pots, keep potting up and feed like bloody hell during vegging. Then when flowering time comes drop off and feed a high potash fertiliser or some sort og bloom suff from your shop.

Gonna choose an auto flowering variety that I can nuture and water by hand.

Just one last question. Is it too late to start now in May from seed?

I'd look to check of the growing times of durban and early girl but you seem to have a 500 external error in the seed bank. :jester:

Can anyone else reccommend a strain for the UK greenhoue that's auto flowering, early cropper and produces some decent poundage of smoke? I can buy and somke an oz a week of skunk here and that costs a ton.

That's why I wanna grow. Personal.


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They run autopots in the biomes at the eden project. :yinyang:

Yes, there's something about it on the autopot web site.

Just about stealthed the greenhouse! ;)

Anyone find those green ally plugs a bugger to get and stay in?

Hope when the grow is in full song that they dont drop out and reveal the contents of the greenhouse. :rofl:

May get some bio cool glass suff to go on the outside as a precaution. This bubble wrap shouldn't effect the growth of the plants regarding the amount of light they get should it?


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I wouldn't have thought it would be a problem...I'm just a bit worried about the temps in your glasshouse with bubblewrap wrapped around it. Greenhouses can get very, very hot.

Yes, hit 100 F today and it was not the best weather. I have one of those autovents that opens a window but I think it would have been way over 75F for a long time still at that.

The trouble is I do not have any electricity. Fresh air is your friend I've been told and was thinking possibly about extracting and changing air with a solar powered extractor fan too. See pic.

Powered by natural light these solar vents are water proof, pollution free, extract 680 cubic feet of air per hour under normal operation and can do a complete air change of an area 14 feet x 5.5 feet x 6 feet in less than 45 minutes.

Do you think it is worth putting this in to some perspex and exchanging a pane of glass to accomodate it?

I was thinking about some shade netting to drape over the greenhouse if things got a little too hot.

What I don't want is the door open and anyone to see the plants.

Used to paint our glasshouses with limewash inside to keep temps and sunlight down...is that what the bio-cool stuff does.

Yes, it's just the same see pic.

W@terBoy, is oxyplus a tablet of oxygen? I'm perhaps going off the autopot idea as I can water them twice a today if needed. Still wouldn't mind oxygentating the water I'm feeding them with with that solar powered pump too. Or perhaps one at home I could plugin to a water container and take down to the greenhouse grow with nutes in as well. Whaddy ya think?

Much more to read and learn. Thanks so far for the input!

I've some other questions to ask if I don't find after searching for them and will dedicate these to a more suitable named thread.



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PS. Gonna finish of the greenhouse when the weather is better. Raining here for days. All I need now is a few seeds from the UK420 shop and couple of gun turretts for keeping bandits away.... Sorted

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