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hi all

have just bought some rhizotonic for my cuttings but don't know wether it is a booster or an actual feed

does anyone know :D

all the best jgs :oldtoker:

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Its a rooting stimulant. use it to pre soak your rock wool cubes before you take cuttings and also you can use it as a foliar spray. If my memory serves me right use it at 20ml for 5 litres, so 4ml per litre. I use it 2 ml per litre for foliar feeding.

Hope that helps


PS. Its good stuff and helps your cuttings and plants get off to a good start

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thanx chip

i used it in conjunction with formulex half and half soaked rockwool cubes in it and took the cuttings the e c was 0.8 ph 5.5

24 hours later the cuttings r bending this way and that really bad, they r under 24 hours light(110 lightwing) i'm spraying twice a day and misting the dome

i have cut the cuttings the way people have shown here and on og so i can't see what i have done wrong

maybe i'll leave for a few days to see how they get on because they still look really green if they start to brown i'll bin em and buy more seeds(more money) :woot:

thanks for the info mate

all the best jgs :ghost:

shall post this on appropriate forum

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Hello there, I'm new to all this cloning as well, however, I've done some reading on the subject, and I don't know if you should be mixing Rhizotonic with Formulex. Rhizotonic is root nutrient, and Formulex is plant nutrient. The clones are too young for Formulex, and even when used for misting with Formulex, it says use weekly. I've got my clones in a propagator, with the rockwool cubes soaked in Rhizotonic, and I mist them regularly with Rhizotonic. I'm sure I'm right in saying that it doesn't matter if the leaves die slowly on clones, because the plant is using their energy to stay alive, and focusing all its energy into root growth. Stay with them, it will probably take a few weeks! Good luck, and keep the faith. lol

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Good advice cytral.

I dont use any nutes when cloning. Some do though. In fact i do it pretty much exactly the same way as you do cytral, soak the cubes in rhizotonic solution and then foliar spray them as well.

JGS, do hang in there with the clones. They can sometimes get a bit dodgy looking before they take. Give it time and you'll get this cloning malarkey. Next thing you know, you'll have them rooting in under a week...honest!


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