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Astral Projection

Guest fitduck

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ah this has been a great read so far, i would love to astral project, used to try by visualisation, but im not good at that, so the lucid dreaming route may be the one for me, as ive managed that a few times, but found it limiting, in that once ya can control ya dream, to do anything to it becomes meaningless (or to me anyhow). So now, if it happens again, i shall endevour to astral project to somewhere interesting...

would be great if people who are trying this out could keep the thread alive by adding their new experiences.

anyhows, i too love carlos castanada, for me its like a buddhist adventure story, i especially love the other don, who name escapes me, who did the ground shaking farts, hilarious.

is funny h.p. lovecraft says in his stories about the astral planes that there is a door in our dreams that leads to the astral planes, i suppose you must have to be concious to find it and open it up

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Above only black, below only white, a strange hissing sound, the ability to discern the surfaces of these opposite planes

as you fly between them in a clockwise spiral, unexpectedly the white surface feels rough despite looking smooth and the black surface feels smooth but looks rough. Sudden realisation brings you back to the body with a feeling akin to having your head snapped off backwards while you do a back flip into an infinite abyss!.

As freewheelin Franklin once said "maybe I should write all this down,.....or maybe I should jump out the window!." lol

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here Dr Rockster, this electricity you speak of, was it like the atoms of your body wrere rubbing together very fast, like and extreme motor driven version of pins and needles?

ive never been outa body. have a friend who could do it from sleeping. dunno if he still can. had some preminition dreams as a youngster, absolutely idnetical incidents/sounds/situations experienced, remebered and experienced again some days later (to great dismay). got a book on lucid dreaming, sounds brilliant. never had it happen. yet.

glad to hear theres peeps out there doin it.

what was it charles watt and the 103rd street band sang?

"its not what cha look like, when your doin what cha doin

its what cha doin, when ya doin, what cha look like ya doin

project yo'self!"

ahl git ma jaykit on then...


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Guest dr rockster

Hi Tsk,

to be honest mate I could'nt describe it like that.More an electrical tingling,not particularly unpleasant in any way but rather disconcerting as when first experienced you are wondering what the heck this is all about.

But its a common thing as you can see by just reading this thread and seems to occur in certain states of relaxation prior to nodding off,twixt wakefullness and sleep. :yahoo:

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Hi Tsk,

to be honest mate I could'nt describe it like that.More an electrical tingling,not particularly unpleasant in any way but rather disconcerting as when first experienced you are wondering what the heck this is all about.

But its a common thing as you can see by just reading this thread and seems to occur in certain states of relaxation prior to nodding off,twixt wakefullness and sleep. lol

hmmm. i dont know if its thr same thing then. there are a few times in life when my body has seemed to vibrate, like the particles rubbing against each other, like a positive charge.

the first two times i expeienced this charge was after my first ever orgasams. ive since discovered this is called "full body orgasam" though im yet to reexperience them (not for want of trying.)

one other time was due to intense and incredibler anger, never happend since. a few other times it was breath related (blowing up balloons, doing yoga) and one other time was during my last session of acupuncture. apart from the orgasams, this is the most stand out experience.

id had several sessions with my needle sticker over the best part of a year. every session was simmilar, we'd talk for a little while then hed stick me with pins and leave me for an hour or so. hard to tell how long as i always tranced out, a bit like lucid dreaming, very chilled. after he took the pins out id feel like mister soft and walk back up the high street made of marshmallow.

but the last time i had a session, years back now, it went the same, chat, pins, drift off - but after 20 minutes drifting i "snapped" back into being fully awake and extremely aggitated. i wanted the pins out. now!

but i waited, and as i did my body began to "charge" first in the hands then spreading up the arms to the chest then the legs and body and head. if i hadnt had simmilar experiences before i would have sworn i was being mildly electrocuted...

once the doc unpinned me i was a ball of animated energy. i sat and talked at him for way more time than he had. and he let me! what a gent. and i forget what happend the rest of the day. but i wonder if this electricity is simmilar or the same as the ones spoken of here within? ive had shock awakenings (hitting the bottom in a falling dream) and woken up a little tingly, but never with the same intensity of physical sensation.

maybe twenty three knows something about it, if theres a connection...

twenty three?

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  • 1 month later...

Very informative read guys,some real mental awareness issuses

Maybe would need to be in a secure state of mind before attempting and form of acid(for which once my sense of feeling in my legs desapeared).

As for the soul or core which loses heat as we get older,how can you every understand the presence of our souls would be a mega ahcievement.Do we have a accident to realise which proceeds an knock-on effect(calibration of time to neaural awarness) Our minds power individual parts of your brain like frontal cortex etc.

I`ve done much dreaming and feel my excistence in this world which some would say is invalid.Projecting your slef doing something can be done.Acupunture sounds good tsk..Pretty sure you can invite people into your world,alteraing the person airing there views..

i`m the same with weed though just seem more defined on spending time.Not excercising my mind oh well.Totally agree about daydreaming and lucid dreaming states of your mind eh :ouch:

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  • 3 months later...

Yes, I project when I meditate enough. Lying on my back using diaphragm breathing techniques and mantra I can go a out little.

CPU :wink: :unsure:

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