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Brothers Grimm Seeds


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I was reading over on cannabisworld that brothers grimm are to no longer make seeds, they have been away for a while but this seemed like they have no intention of returning. This being the case, i am considering buying a pack of seeds from heavens stairway before theyre gone for good and wondered if anyone here has tried them before, what they thought etc. At the moment i am considering either.....



Rosetta Stone

Would really appreciate any input, on how they grow, smoke etc



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High Chilli,

The 3 Bros. Grimm strains you mention are extremely good lol

All highly recommend :P

I grow Apollo11 and am extremely happy btw :ninja:

All the best

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Sly and Soul did fine things for cannabis genetics.

I grow c99, apollo 11 & (apollo 13 x haze 19) and just growing out a cutting of sugar blossoms. One of my Aussie cyber mates hates the frosty/tastiness (perhaps because everything has a price :ninja:) I like it.

Can't talk about suger blossoms, too soon, but the cindy/apollo variants are a piece of piss to grow though they are gross feeders and Mg hogs.


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Cheers for the responce guys... so out of the C99 and Apollo 11, which would you say is the better yielder nicer high of the two ?



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Depends on the phenos; c99 goes from fruity loops to where's my breakfast, apollo is more, I like Miles Davis to bullfighting on acid.

Tasty though.


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High utopiate,

As a grower of A-11, I am interested in your A-11 clones - do you grow the Genius (indica) pheno, or the Cindy pheno, or both?

The Genius pheno I have was carefully selected from a pack of Bros Grimm original A-11's, and is the pheno Soul recommends.

Although I fully appreciate that it's growers choice as far as phenos go, but have you seen Soul's impressive Genius grow-pictorial at cannabisworld.com?

All the best

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Read this post over the weekend and decided I had to get my hands on some of these seeds before they are all gone for good. Placed an order for 10 C99's .... damn expensive at $150 ... but what the hay.

Can't wait to grow them :D



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hello Tuk,

Sorry for tardiness, find it hard to keep up with threads I have participated in.

I wasn't the person doing the choosing with the A11, I was given a clone. However, from Soul's description I do not possess the genius pheno, very little edge, if you get my drift, though more likely to induce a whitey in the unaware than the cindy pheno I keep.

The cinderella I grew out a year ago, and my cloning arrogance at that point cost me dear, only took one clone of each plant, identified the three females I was interested in, two fruity indica, one rotting fruit/cat piss haze, my cat ate the cat piss haze which if harvested early was as advertised, I think, only had one go.

The (apollo13 x haze 19) x apollo11 (Atrain) while a retread of a Dutch flowers concoction was the closest thing to my cupboard haze plan and does compose 75% BG genetics. Taste is not her strong point but I gave some to a big issue seller recently and he said it was the best thing he had ever tasted, he was drinking smack in a can but I will take compliments where I can get them.

It is edgy, precise and anti social in a good way, allows you to get on with things while an eternal joke gently tickles your central nervous system. Swimming as taken on a new lease of life, and Miles Davis speaks as never before, alway's loved him, but Bitches Brew and haze doms, ouch. Trout mask has turned back into dance music too.

Smoking it now if you hadn't noticed :oldtoker:

In the quest


ps Spacecadet, with the brothers out of the business, you really should pollinate a liitle branch of one of those girls, or possibly leave them all in the space. Average of 5 girls, 2000 seeds a girl, (I'm told, to my great shame I have never done open pollination) 10 000 seeds, that's a project, how big's your cupboard Tuk, if there are 50 hobby growers on this site that are active and growing 40 seeds out a year. We need numbers. At some point something good could happen.

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High utopiate,

You make some interesting comments about the Apollo, of which I am still not entirely sure of what you have.

There are 2 main phenos of Apollo11: a leggy Cindy pheno, and a short, branchy indica (Genius) pheno.

I think you have a Cindy pheno, as the Genius pheno isn't edgy at all - it is balanced; giving increased mental energy (which is why it's called "Genius").

I get into my highs very deeply, and will send an example report of how I grade/rate cannabis: extremely detailed is an understatement :oldtoker:

I presume you acquired the (A13xH19)xA11 from the CannabisWorld auction: could you descibe the growth pattern more, and more about the high, please?

All the best

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Hi Utopiate,

I have every intention of finding a good Cindy mom and pollinating some of her smaller buds. If I can get out 100 F2 seeds, then I will be :oldtoker:



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