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I am going to give it a go and this will be my first attempt. I have a few problems to overcome so I need your advise.

I live in a small terraced house and have a very young child so I'm looking for a really descreate setup. I've seen some people using as little as 2ft x 2ft x 2ft. This is about as much room as I can afford and this would have to be in the dining area.

What would I need to do and what seed would be best for a first timer looking for pain relief, unfortunatly, the budget is pretty limited as well.

Thanks in advance.

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Right then...in that space I think you're really going to have to go with ScrOG (Screen Of Green). This involves training the plants to form a level(ish) canopy and keeps the hieght of the grow nice and low as that's gonna be yopur main problem.

You can build a box quite easily using 2x2 and plywood...

You'll probably be looking at a 250W HPS...

just a few thoughts to get you started....read as much as you can before you start and you shouldn't have any problems.

I'm sure others will give further advice :huh:

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Keep your eyes open on ebay (uk)..

I've just picked up a 250W HPS for £15 + £12p+p..

Try typing "high pressure sodium" "grow light" "grow lamp" etc.. anything you can think of, into the search.


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Hi all

Thanks for your responses.

I have no room at the top of the stairs and the attic is almost imposible to get into thats why I'm limited and I am also slightly nervous about trying this. My dining area is basically my home office so I was going to put it in here, somewhere, plus it is next to the backdoor which I thought might help with the ventalation. It is also blocked off to stop the little one getting in here. My neighbours are quite close so I imagin I need to be careful especially with the odour.

I might be able to go higher, any suggestions on seeds, like which are the most succesful for a newbie.


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Hello A

Is the attic impossible to get into because it is full of rafters or is it just the opening?

Mine was only 18" x 12" - unbelievable must have been made for a midget!

It's not too difficult to increase the opening and if your'e nervous the attic is the best bet for secrecy!

Can't help with the seeds except to say I have found that it is easy to **** it all up - so I wouldn't spend too much on them until you have some experience.


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Seeds - go with a mainly Indica strain, shorter and bushier...

As serendipity says...go cheap... have a look at Nirvana's selection and see what you fancy lol

As far aas security goes the best thing is to plan very well and keep yr trap shut <_<

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