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4" Extrator and ducting


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Could someone spare 2 mins to have a look at this? :huh:

4" Extractor

I've decided to buy all bits for my growroom from non-cannabis related companies.. It's not suprising to see the price differences.

Although it's obviously not going to be anywhere near as good as LTI fans or the like, some of us are on a tight budget...

I'd be well grateful if someone could take a quick look and tell me what ya think..


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High there,

"A complete waste of time" comes to mind, but let's be more constructive :huh: :

>> They're loud, inefficient, and pull virtually no air!

A better solution would be a cheap RVK fan from Holland, or if you can get a good discount from a UK shop ( :) )

Don't get a TD160 from TLC Direct either, as they're pretty shite too (I have one!)

All the best

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oh.. :huh:

Cheers for that...

I'll look into the RVK ones then...

I'm on a mission for cheap supplies!!! Growshops are way too overpriced!

Thanx loads bud.


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No problem m8,

Remember that when buying equipment, it's better to make investments which will serve you well, especially when thinking about future expansion.

Going for the cheap way out rarely works, and I'm sure we've all been there!

All the best

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Hey there,

Id say go for it, yeah there may better fans out there but if you cant afford or dont wanna get one of those dont let it stop you growing. My first grow i did without ventilation at all, just opened the cupboard a few times a day and did a rolf harris with a board to give em some fresh air, yeah it was a bit shit, but i still got about 3 1/2 oz off some sativa bagseed plants. Second grow i did i put a crappy B&Q extractor in there, one of the poor ones that look like window fans, probably still shit to most ppl here, but i got 6 oz of oasis out of that grow so did me orite.

At the moment, ive got a 5" B&Q extractor in there similar to the one on youre link. Again would probably be called poor and a waste of time by some ppl here, but last grow i got around 8 oz of doublegum out of the cupboard, not a waste of time by my books :huh:

So what i would say is this... Yeah we would all like to have a proper bling bling setup ... air cooled lights, perfect ventilation etc etc, but if you wanna go for it go for it. Just because u cant afford a ferrari it dont mean you shouldnt drive unless u got one ( chillis proverb for the day :) )



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High Chilli,

I know where you're coming from, but IMO the fan cannot be compromised on.

Lights, yes, get cheapo IP20's, they'll do the job, and hand-water by all means, but have you ever seen/heard an RVK in action?

These fans just keep on going, and are a real investment, as far as I'm concerned - I have 4 of them, and can highly recommend them :huh:

All the best

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CO2 is crucial to plant's success, so having a lot for the plants is essential, especially if growing big, fat (mould-prone, eg SwT#3 :huh: ) buds.

The Dutch method is fast venting, the American method is good venting, air-cooled lights and CO2.....and the UK method seems to be fingers-crossed and hope!

All the best

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Hi Jontz

If cash is a problem, then i would agree with Chilli, just go for it. Some extraction is better than none. I got by for several years, about 8 actually, with B & Q extractor fans until i bought an LTi last year. I built it up over a couple of harvests, 1 x 4'', then 1 in and 1 out, and finally, for my best grows I had 2 out, 1 in plus passive intakes.

see this post for details of the grow

I understand where you are coming from trichome, and i gotta agree to a certain extent with this quote...LMAO

and the UK method seems to be fingers-crossed and hope!


but for a start, while someone is learning the ropes etc, these fans will help them get through their first harvests. If they find they havent got the patience or the aptitude for growing, cash spent on fans that arent going to be used again is wasted. However, i reckon Jontz will stick at it, he's a bit of a fighter, so he will be able to invest more cash in his second grow, witness the increase in yield, understand more the importance of good air exchange, and therefore carry on learning.

Phew, thats about all i git to say about that!!


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Hi everyone..

Thanx for the input on this thread, it's really made me think a bit more about what i'm doing.

You got me right chip - i'm a fighter - grrrrrrrr. I've done the grow before, got it bloody huge but a windowsil isn't the best place for a plant. No knowledge. No idea about 12/12 for flowering. doh!

I'm also glad I waited a bit before replying...

Going for the b&q's I think. Just for now ( :huh: trichome)

There's no way I'm gonna give up, just invest slowly - maybe make a little back on my growth (sure ya know how it is).

Trying desperatly to get a house/mortgage etc.. so money is tight.

I'll save so much growing tho'. I will invest whatever i can each month until I've got buds bigger than elephants... haha :)

Loads of respect going out to everyone who has inspired me to grow.

Oh, and I'm going for a bit of a ScrOG. I've got a secret weapon! Pictures in 2 weeks..

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Lights, yes, get cheapo IP20's, they'll do the job, and hand-water by all means, but have you ever seen/heard an RVK in action?


That was a 6" RVK that you could just about hear when you were at mine on monday :huh:

With normal everday houshold noise its hardly audible until you open the grow room door.

I can hear it at night, but a dimmer should take care of that.

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Oh, no way...

Didn't you say it was a big fucker at the other end? The end in the loft..?

Havn't really got much room (my cupboard is full of other crap...) for anything big.

And chip:

hmmm, a secret ScrOG weapon!

I've been using it for a while to rest my light on... I just looked at it from a different angle last night and things 'clicked' :huh:

Pictures will be around when i'm done...

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Oh, no way...

Didn't you say it was a big fucker at the other end? The end in the loft..?

It is quite big, but the ducting gives the impression that some huge industrial unit is hiding in the attic, :)

Without getting off my arse to go and measure it, its probably just less than 24 " in diameter.

But that is just from recollection, and I am stoned :huh:

I haven't seen a 4" , but would imagine they are smaller and quieter.

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the ducting gives the impression that some huge industrial unit is hiding in the attic,

sounds right.. :huh:

But I've got nowhere to put it.. No loft access, and my growbox fills the space I've got!

Hopefully moving out soon so no more space worries...

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Joolz:"That was a 6" RVK that you could just about hear when you were at mine on monday "

That was in regards to my quote about not compromising on the fan m8.

I think u got mixed up with someone else.


(I put that in Caps because it's very important and using a light dimmer shouldn't be attempted,ALSO, make sure you wire the Solid State correctly, BECAUSE I'VE ALREADY NEARLY KILLED MYSELF WITH ONE OF THESE!!)

All the best

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