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O.K. here's the score - nearly got the attic, aka growroom, sorted and was looking around for different growing methods and followed a link to Scrog Advanced Tactics

So being totally blown away with this method,and looking up some great SOG grows on here, I was wondering if anyone could steer me to any other sites/links for Modular Vertical SCROG.

Or maybe I haven't searched around enough, but did spend at least 3 or 4 hours looking, to no avail. :)

I eventually want to make up a 6 sq. ft. area for MVScrog powered by a 400w hps, works out to about 60.66w per sq. ft. This should fit lovely between the rafters.

Just 1 more question is there a formulae for working out pot sizes from litres to inches.

Can anyone help?


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High there,

If you mean height of plants versus pot size, then the general rule is 1 US Gallon to 1 foot of plant height.

Ask Q's on Scrog if u want - your initial ideas sound good btw.

All the best

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Hi trichome UK,

thanks for your quick reply. As for the pot sizes I meant to say if there is an actual mathmatical formulae for working out pot sizes in litres to sizes in inches(width and depth), I doubt there is though.

I noticed in a lot of scrog setups they use about 5 litre pots, any ideas on how large they are?

I've been looking around for some square pots but to no avail


any ideas on where you can get them?, tried local nursery, B&Q,Home depot.

As i said in my original posting I'll be growing between rafters, about 2 feet in between, an' was wondering about what the best stuff is to build the walls up with, as i eventually want multiple grows going at the same time between all the rafters. i did think about walls/sides that i could connect to the modular units so each unit is totally independent, but grown in about eight units, I think I'll have to sit down with pen an' paper.

Any ideas on soil/ compost mixtures,starting off with Misty, i thought about starting them off in JI no.1 and then transplanting to JI no.3, what thinks u?

thanks in advance. ;)


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Nice link Mono: I've have to save it this time!

:oldtoker: Trichome.... :D


how many times you had that link from me now man..... ::ninja:: :D

It's the best place I found....


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High Mono,

:ninja: You sent it me a while ago, but I deleted most of the PM's.

You did originally post it as part of your "SOG Guide" thread, but that got deleted I think.

All the best

EDIT: I found the link in my Favourites of Internet Explorer :oldtoker:

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Square pots!! Square pots!!!!

I have spent the last 2 days trailing round Homebase, B&Q, local garden centres etc trying to find square pots as my babies were looking a bit restricted.

I had to settle for 6 inch round pots which i have just re-potted with about 2 hours ago.

Guess i should know by now that the answer is always on here. :)


Are those 15cm square pots (4.5 cubic litres) from Mono's link, large enough to completely flower a plant in?

Or rather, if possible, what height should i switch to 12/12, given such a small pot size.

At the moment, i am growing 5 plants from some really nice stuff i had a few months ago (not much help there!) purely as a trial first run. I am really asking the questions for when i buy Nirvana Snow White or Nirvana Super Girl(you'd be stupid not to after seeing Oldpink's pics!).

With the plants i have now, I was thinking of flowering at around 8-10" with round pots and only having about 5 plants.

When i get feminised seeds after this grow i was going to use the smaller square pots, i can fit in 12 plants (side by side)with spare room round the edges to train them outwards and through mesh.

Basically, what i am asking is

1. Are the pots big enough?

2.Can i have them packed in like that?

3.When should i start 12/12 with the Nirvana seeds?



P.S. Sorry if this doesnt makes much sense, i have been up 22 hours, have the flu and have just indulged in a fat one :oldtoker:

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High man,

To SOG, you need to prune the lower bud sites/branches and force the energy to the main cola across the mid and top sections.

Flower at 12", but SOG really requires clones, because seed plants aren't suitable, as they will not be mature enough at 12" with the lower sites removed.

I would recommend growing seed plants in larger pots, finding a good mother, then clone and use 6" square pots in SOG.

All the best

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If you want larger square pots the organic grow shop sells 6.5 litre and larger ones as well.

There is a link to them in the organic section > organic finder thread.

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Nice one guys.

That will save alot of time, i will get a few potential mothers growing from the nirvana seeds as soon as i put my current 5 into 12/12.(hope they are female!).

I was originaly going to wait until they had finished and start a new project but if i am much better with clones rather than seeds i will get to work straight away.

A few last questions.

1. Is a 6" round pot large enough to flower at 10" and not need re-potting?As i am only growing 5, i have the space to re-pot in something a bit bigger if it will be benificial.

2. Is it better to germinate and grow plants from seed in the pot you intend to use for the rest of their days or is it better to let them grow in a smallish pot to establish a good root cluster before re-potting to a larget final pot?

Many thanks, i can taste it already :woot:


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High there,

It's better to pot-up, i.e. start in 4" sqaure pots, or small 5" round pots, then pot-up to a larger container.

Use the largest sized pots you can fit in your space, because root mass is directly related to yield.

All the best

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So... anyone know of any MVScroG sites, other than the one in my 1st post on this thread.

All links gratefully received.


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