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Blue leaves...


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I have six Shiva Skunks, that were put into veg state, from strong cuttings, 11 days ago. They are coming along nicely, but, the fan leaves are almost blue in colour. Not all of them, and not all of the leaf, but, they have a very strong blue/purple colour. (Very nice actually!). As this is my first grow, is this normal for this strain? Good/Bad/Indifferent??? Any help greatly appreciated.


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Perfectly normal.....

many plants go blue/purple.....usually they wait till they're getting into late flowering though actualy....maybe this early is a worry.....

Are they outdoor, or indoor....

Cooler night temperatures aid the opurpling process, I found this with my blueberrys, don't really go proper blue in summer grows, but in winter they get cooler night s ang=d you really get the colouriing....

Blueness has no effect on potency, but can increase the price of the bud.....

Very appealing......

Wait and see if anyone know s of bluing this early......

Lucky tou you


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The clones were given to me by a mate who had grown them in an aeroponic chamber, with the original intention of potting them in soil. I have them indoors in a grow chamber, in NFT hydroponics. I remember him saying something about them being "chronologically 3 months old"??? Does this help with your thinking? ;):D

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Perfectly normal... "Thanks for that":-)

Blueness has no effect on potency, but can increase the price of the bud.....

Very appealing......

"NOT FOR SALE, They're my girls, I'm growing them, I'll smoke them!" :ghost:!

Thanks for that, I missed the two key words when I looked at your post first time around... "Perfectly normal" (they do look pretty though!) :angry:

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Don't get me wrong, i'm not suggesting that you or anyone here sell any of their precious herb....

I am suggesting that if you're forced into a situation where you have to seek out and buy weed from some unscrupulous type, they will often try to charge more for a purple bud.........

Enjoy your buds yourself, or with friends, as nature intended

Mono...... :angry::ghost: x

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