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Just some Clean Soil with no fertz - anyone?

Fred Flint Stoned

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Guest Red Dragon
So..after all this deliberating...what is a good type of soil to use that is also organic??! and can be bought at homebase,b&q etc.??

I've noticed that a lot of these organic threads just end up trailing off and someone just recommending to use Allmix.. :spliff:


I think Westlands also produce a fully organic mix which would be available at larger garden centres.

Have a good luck at the labels as Westlands produce composts in "own brand" packaging too, but it will always say Westlands somewhere on the bag.

I'm in the midst of a grow using B&Q Coir Based Multi-Purpose bricks.

They are slightly enriched so not true organic, but they work perfectly with good organic feeds.

They also help create some of the healthiest looking roots I've ever seen.

Good luck!

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  • 6 months later...

hi, have just read thread with intreast.. 2 points i would like to express, first ihave used bio bizz almix and great, ..2.. i have used normal grow bags, and mix it with perlite (10% ish) and vermiculite( 5-7%), and the results we very good. but my underlieing thought, was/is this how much neutriants are in the grow bags to start, as how long have they been there, and how quickly are those neuts used up, as i think i have started to feed my girls to quick this time.

so my point being can you use any of these grow bag type soils, and in some way remove wash out) what neut are there. then start with your own food diet. is this organic ??

i can see where you are coming from with grow medium, i used normal grow bags, for toms ect.

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Using a standard bagged tomato compost can never be fully organic... :yinyang:

As it`ll contain chemical fertilisers as base feed in the mix(unless stated organic on the bag).

I have used tomato compost in the past with a decent result, but isnt what i`d use by choice nowadays. :yinyang:

Edited by MDP
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  • 1 month later...

hi folks,

ive just bought a 120 litre bag of focus multipurpose compost for 5 quid,

they had a deal on,

i seived it with a proper soil seive as i was very suprised to see how fine and fluffy it was,

it real shook down well,

no wood,

just the normaly hard clumps that broke down with a light nudge

ph at the mo is 6.8

will this be ok,

oldtimer,i would realy appreciate your input here mate as i recognise you as an expert on soils and composts

im not adding perlite this time just to see the results but watering less to reduce logging,

i repotted a few plants recenlty and the plants have gone nuts,!!!!

i was getting a spot of yellow leaf so added a one off feed of miralce grow as im in flower and dont want too much nitrogen,

i,ll keep ths results updated as i go,

has anyone on here tried amstadam indoors guerilla feed? its for veggin but last time i used it i got bad burn at the soil mix level.



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Easy Sy,

OT1 is the man you need for all your organic needs so will wait for his wise words.

I would use 40% perlite and 60% Compost to help oxygenate the soil and for water pass through and darin well, giving them less water wont really in my experiance you could just dehydrate them or stress them out.

And nah, I aint tried those amsterdam nutes. I try steer clear of nutes when i'm veggin as the compost will usually contain enough nutes to keep em goin till they near flowering, I only really feed them when they ask for it, you know!

Hope this helps.

:smoke: Peace ;)



Edited by MeCCa
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Easy Sy,

OT1 is the man you need for all your organic needs so will wait for his wise words.

I would use 40% perlite and 60% Compost to help oxygenate the soil and for water pass through and darin well, giving them less water wont really in my experiance you could just dehydrate them or stress them out.

And nah, I aint tried those amsterdam nutes. I try steer clear of nutes when i'm veggin as the compost will usually contain enough nutes to keep em goin till they near flowering, I only really feed them when they ask for it, you know!

Hope this helps.

lol Peace :smoke:



cheers mecca

im seriosly going toward the no feed until needed route,

just worried that no nutes might stunt growth,

but then again compost should provide enough nutes to keep the gals going,

i must just be impatient,;)

do u think that a feed thats 15-20-15 will be ok for flower?

i have other feeds but this is the one with the highest p k levels



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Sorry for not getting back before, I’m down with flu. If you look at the gardening Which compost report you will see that the focus mp compost is pretty average.

From feedback of our members trying various composts, the best results with cannabis seem to come from compost with added JI, the Westlands brand doing best of the bunch. Just from observation compost that tomatoes do well in long term also seems to suit cannabis best.

None of these mp’s mentioned are organic. The focus compost is not organic.

Most modern composts are formulated to hold the correct air to water ratio, that ratio is as near to as ideal for plant roots when grown in a container. Adding perlite is just adding inert volume, its something I would; and have never recommended doing.

If you wish to improve any compost, the best addition you can make is to add an inoculant.

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Sorry for not getting back before, I’m down with flu. If you look at the gardening Which compost report you will see that the focus mp compost is pretty average.

From feedback of our members trying various composts, the best results with cannabis seem to come from compost with added JI, the Westlands brand doing best of the bunch. Just from observation compost that tomatoes do well in long term also seems to suit cannabis best.

None of these mp’s mentioned are organic. The focus compost is not organic.

Most modern composts are formulated to hold the correct air to water ratio, that ratio is as near to as ideal for plant roots when grown in a container. Adding perlite is just adding inert volume, its something I would; and have never recommended doing.

If you wish to improve any compost, the best addition you can make is to add an inoculant.

hi oldtimer,

sorry to hear your under the weather mate.

we got alot of it down here too,

what is an inoculant? is it a kind of sterilizing compound?

and did u mean i shouldnt add perlite to compost?

i have in the past but might go for polystyrene balls as they are supposed to be just as good as perlite.

ive noticed during seiving that the stuff i have contains quite a bit of cocofibre.

also going to use a 15-20-15 feed with trace elements when in flower,

ive added a good amount of arthur bowers organin lime to my soil to help even out ph.

do u think this will be ok as i belive you to be very well informed when it comes to soils and feeds,

any help would be well appreciated



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aaaaaaahhhhhh i see

a kind of positive organism which helps soil conditions,

must be a beneficial bacteria that helps nutes in soil,

mmm interesting,

kinda like bifidus digestivum for soil,:guitar:

anyway, i take it perlite is not realy needed for compost as the soil god (oldtimer) has enlightened me with the fountain of eternal knowledge,

cheers O.T

never thought there would be so much to learn about soils,composts and humus,

you can tell i never paid attention during science classes,:rofl:

at least it will save me a few quid as i know longer have to buy the overpriced perlite that our local gardern center flogs,

i will keep an eye on the compost ph with my soil tester and hopefully it will stay within a reasonable limit,

ive made about 20 litres up with lime to help ph if needed.

also added some ploystyrene balls for airiation,dunno if it will work but gotta be worth a crack,



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  • 1 year later...

Hi to all,

OT1 dose the BQ cutting soil mixed with bone meal be ok for growing in as iv got them in it wright know and they are ok a bit slow but no added food yet what compost feeds can you recomend and on the cheap iff possible thanks for any replys as always il be watching this thread.I also need to know is toomato food ok to use ? thanks and have a nice day smyth out -peace-

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Why is this bish thanks for the put down by the way. :toot:

MY plants seem to love the cutting soil also im agreeing on the tommato food though, My last crop was ok useing this method so why do you think its a disaster bish, Also some people cant affored all these custom made soils so let me know your thoughts bish!. :yep::unsure:


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Questions :-

How much light do you have in there?

Did you grow these plants from seed or from cuttings?

How long have they been flowering?

Your flowering plants aren't in the same room as the non flowering ones... Are they?

i repotted a few plants recenlty and the plants have gone nuts,!!!!

i was getting a spot of yellow leaf so added a one off feed of miralce grow as im in flower and dont want too much nitrogen,

Hmmm hehe, a few points :

1) If you repotted them recently, they shouldn't need feeding...

2) You shouldn't be repotting them in flower anyway.

3) Flowering plants need nitrogen throughout their flowering cycle from the moment they start showing signs of deficiency. You should be using grow + bloom fertilisers in flower with every water (every 3-5 days, roughly, wait until compost is back to original moisture level before giving it any more water!)

4) Miracle gro is not cool for cannabis. Order some bio-grow and bio-bloom from the uk420 shop.

5) Neither is Focus MP really, you'd be better off with something like Westlands (also cheap) next time


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Also some people cant affored all these custom made soils so let me know your thoughts bish!.

Westlands is about £3 for 60 litres. OT recommends it.

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