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Braving the Big Bud?

Wilbur Nutsack

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Afternoon all

After many weeks of study, I have thoroughly digested every piece of growing info on this site and the time has come for me to grow a bud i can call my own.

I have the space, light, ventilation sorted and the nutes pretty much organised and am now drooling over the seed catalogues. I have a wardrobe with ventilation and a 400w HPS grolux bulb. The space is almost 2 x 3 x 5.5.

I was looking at the high yielders as a possible project as i figure i need all the help i can get. Something like BigBud/Power Plant/Critical Mass.

Are there any problems with these particular strains that i should be aware of or should i just not attempt something so tricky for my first grow?

I am aware that mould is a problem - will adequate ventilation ensuring low humidity be enough to stop it or is there anything else i can do?

How many plants will i be able to fit into such a confined space? I was thinking of only putting 2 in. Do you think i would be able to squeeze another in?

I'm sure i will be back with plenty more questions but for now i only need to know about seed choice and space requirements.

Thank you all for your time and i look forward to your wise advice.

Cheers guys (and gals)

P.S. Got some seeds from some real tasty Thai stick and they are about 2 weeks old (3inches). Is it benificial to put then into sunlight? How does sunlight compare to flouro lights? They are getting 18+ hours of light a day and i have been sticking them at the window for a few hours a day. I dont know if i am wasting my time.

Cheers again

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hi W.N

the only question i can answer is height, 5.5 feet is a bit on the low side i think, u have to take into consideraton the size of ur pots and ur light, with them in your cupboard ur gonna lose some headroom about a foot maybe a bit more.

when checking the seed sites read the description of the seeds whether they r indica or sativa, indica being short and bushy to sativa being tall and quite handsome really(i'm quite attached to sativas) ;)

powerplant is mainly sativa that was my first grow and i burnt the tips on some of mine and that was with 6 feet of headroom to play in. so imho try to gain some headroom

hope this helps jgs ;)

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Wilbur, Your grow space is almost exactly the same size as mine and I can confirm what JollyGoodSmoke said. You will have a constant battle with your plants to keep the height down. It’s quite a challenge but not impossible by any means.

I have to tie them down a lot. 'Topping' is also a useful technique for controlling height.

I have recently(my current grow the first time) started using a more drastic form of tie down called supercropping. It has worked very well for me and has enabled me to grow Skunk.

I tried Skunk for my first grow and it was a complete disaster, it hit the light before any buds even developed. I would not recommend it.

Stick to plants that do not grow tall. The smallest strain I have heard of is one called K2, I have not tried it myself yet, it will be used for my next grow. If it grows as short as they say it does it will be cinch.

Two plants will be the ideal number I think, especially if you ‘top’ them and tie them down.

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Hi Wilbur

First off - nice set up. Yeah, the height is a bit on the low side, but with the right strain, grow technique and good venting I can't see a problem, so good luck with it fella.

As for strains - the only one I've personally grown is Big Bud from clone. The seed can be quite variable on this one and you need a bit of luck to get a good mum. Mine was nothing special. Yeah, it had decent buds, but nothing more than I'd expect from a wel bred indica, and the high wasn't anything to write home about. I also found it a pain to clone, so I ditched it in the end.

JGS is right about Powerplant - it is an almost pure sativa from South Africa and can get quite leggy. However, some of the plants exhibit a more compact indica structure that can be managed in a small space. Again, you'll have to do a fair amount of growing out first to identify that particular pheno from your seeds.

Critical Mass - all I know is that this is a Howard Marks version of Big Bud. How it will grow I don't know but the man and his breeder are amongst the most knowledgeable on the planet. I am currently growing out Mr Nice Shit, so I can't tell you how the finished product will turn out, but so far I'm REALLY happy with the results - the seeds that germed have been strong and healthy, show good stability but with enough variation to hopefully get something really interesting (one in particular has rooted fast from clone, growing fast but compact and is FEMALE!). And they're reasonably priced IMO.

Get good indica genetics (other good strains I've grown - Mazar, Misty, Blueberry, Hindu Kush), look at Sea of Green / compact growing methods and go for it! B)

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Ok chaps, heres the deal. After much thought I'm gonna get a pack of "Top 44" and a pack of feminised "Snow White".

The Top 44 are apparently ideal for first time growers and only need 6 weeks flowering (can you feel my impatience!!) which seems all good to me.

The snow white is described as

"A big yield with dense sticky buds frosted with beautiful crystals. Mostly Indica".

Need i say more???

Any advice for these, or any particular problems?

They seem to be fairly sturdy plants so i can grow them in my boxroom and stash them away when the parents/non believers etc visit

I was going to get them from http://www.potseeds.co.uk, has anyone had any experience with these guys?

Thank you all very much for your advice, once i have the seeds started i will keep you all updated (with all my problems ;)) and some beautiful pics hopefully.


P.S. What a fu*%in amazing site this is, absolutely customisable and full or great info. Keep it up everyone.

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High there,

Forget Top44 - crap, dull high

Also Big Bud from Sensi = crap, dull high

Powerplant will grow quite tall.

For seed plants, and some stretchy clones, I go with Soul's advice (Bros Grimm) - remove the main top on teh main stem at around 12-18 inches, and let the side arms develop.

This will keep height down, and is the most efficient way of growing seed plants, as the light is used better, unless of course you're Breeder Steve and have 100's of feet of Polytunnels in Switzerland :oldtoker: THEN, you can grow Trees!

All the best,


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PS> Only buy seeds directly from Holland, or from www.seedsdirect.to

Seeds Direct are excellent - great service and prices, as well as hundreds of strains.

All the best

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Trich....BigBud form Sensi is crap?!?!?

sorry...but till have to disagree with u there...its a good strain and i wouldnt say the high was dull either...ive grew this strain out twice now with good results.



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I am just repeating what I have heard hundreds, if not thousands, of times at Overgrow.

Maybe you got lucky, but for the most, this is not a good smokers strain.

All the best

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Big Bud was the first plant i grew with any degree of success, bout 10 years ago....

Got some clones from a good mate....they were very much an up high, problems sleeping on it........

Kept it going for a while, but the inevitable happened, lost the mother.....

Remembering the divine smoke from this BB, a couple of years later when I was looking for mothers, (and I hadn't smoked anything as good as that BB in the intervening perioD), I got 30 seeds from Sensi......

The results were very hit and miss, and while there were a few keepers in the batch, there was nothing truly outstanding there.....From this experience, and from what other growers say to me, I think you get lucky, or not , with the BB.......thiose 30 seeds, some of them turned out to be verrrry dull indeed, poor yielding, noithing special........

Better off finding a grower who has a good BB clone than chancing it on the seeds....

Mind you, all this was a long time ago, and Sensi may have done something about it......


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Hi Trich,Mono

Yeh..i think it is a hit and miss affair,Sensi do say themselves in theyre bumpf about BB that 1 in 4 could be a heavy yielder,i think its more like 1 in 8.I musta just got luckier than most.

Tho when u think about it 15 seeds isnt really that many to have a chance of getting an outstanding mother plant....but then not many are willing to splash out for 3/4 packets at a time...tho i think the answer lies there,and the way they are grown to a point

Talkin of hit and miss,i germed some Double Gums along with the Black Doms im doing at the mo...all beans craped out...not one germed...tho every BD did withih 24 hrs...shit happens <_<



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