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Grow Room spec.

midnite toker

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;) It's taken me a few months but the grow room is finally complete & kitted out,all thats let to do is a bit of wiring up & away we grow.

I was wondering though,if i gave out growroom spec & system setup could anyone point out any improvements,as this would be my 1st grow.

4ftx4ftx6ft gr/room (up in the loft)

completely mylared

1x 424 Nft tank

1x 6"Lti fan (extracting)

1x4"Lti fan (intake)

1x 9" osc. fan

2x 600w hps G. L. S. aircool lights.

If anyone could point out anything for improvement it would muchos appreciated.

Many thanks :P MT

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Hello MT

Sounds impressive - just an observation from my experience for what it's worth.

If the loft is not insulated you will find a lot of variation in temperatures.

Hot as hell in daytime cold at night.

Insulate the whole loft if you can - obviously expensive - out of my range at the moment - spent £30 quid on insulation still only part covered.

I've got a thermostat that switches on an extractor fitted on a hood over the light and switches on an extra intake fan drawing fresh air in.

Helps a lot.

Hope that helps

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Hi MT,

from what you've said I can't see any problems.....the best way to see if your setup kicks ass or not is grow in it :oldtoker:

After a couple of harvest you'll be tweeking and adjusting everything...

Good luck Bud,

keep us informed :woot:

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Fantastic sounding set up mate!!

1x 6"Lti fan (extracting)

1x4"Lti fan (intake)

Make sure you tie everything down otherwise it might get sucked out with all that airflow!! ::oldtoker:: ::woot::

Is the extraction drawing from the air cooled hood?

Do you have the two lights in tandem so air is being sucked from one through the other and then outside?

Does the 4'' LTI blow air to the lights or just into the room?

It all sounds fab anyway, just as Mr Benn says, you'll see what works once you get going..

Take it easy chip

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Just to add my tuppence,

Kick-arse system by all accounts, you've doubled up with LTIs and you can't say fairer than that. A couple of 600watters.... respec'

It's all there and I look forward to harvest reports. As others have mentioned - you'll tweak it continuously (probably for ever - I expect I will until I die) - but as a starting place - you've got the blue-ribband equipment...

In fact - this thread brought to mind a picture of a number of growers crowding round your grow space as if you'd just bought a shiny new sports car...

"LTI in, LTI out?"


"Nice!"... (lots of mumblings of approval)...etc..

"1200 watts...?"





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lol Thanx for all the input everyone, its much appreciated.

Sorry for not replying back before now as i got lost in a Jack Daniels bottle at a wedding reception sat. & i'm only just about feeling right.

One thing i forgot to mention is, i originally bought the 4" Lti fan from a local hydro shop close to me, & iwas gonna use that for my extraction & a use a 9" passive intake.

But i bumped into an old m8 the other week.He's been growing 4 a few yrs.I told him 'bout my setup & he said,"wot u need is the 4" as the intake & use a 6" for the extraction along with 2 600w lights".

& as luck would have it he had a 6" Lti fan along with 2x 600w G.L.S aircool hps lights up for grabs for £230.He's had the fan for just under a yr & he rekons the bulbs have got another 2 grows left in them.

Myself personally thinks i've add it off for £230, but being new to this wot i regard as the best hobby i'm ever gonna have,could anyone tell me if i have or haven't, before i give my m8 the other half of his money this week.

Getting back to the set up, i've got the 6"fan suspended on rope hanging from the rafters outside g/room with the ducting running into one side of g/room & i'm gonna get this week one of those collars u can put onto the ducting with 2x3" reduces on it so that i can run the 3" ducting onto the hoods of the lights that run side by side.

the 4" fan is mounted at the opposite side to the 6" but at the bottom of room.This is also outside with ducting running from a hole in my soffit into the fan then ducting into g/room which is angled up to blow air up into the plants,(when they adventurely get in there)

Sorry if this has been a bit long winded, but feeling alot better now & wanted to get this off my chest as apart from the missus there's no one else u can get excited with and talk to about & discuss things with if u now wot i mean.

anyways Muchos Grascias for listen everyone :woot: MT

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System sounds very good. Start as you mean to go on.

I believe your friend must have been very stoned to sell you that equipment at such a reasonable price. Why can't i find someone like him????

Good luck

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my m8 did also say that he might be selling a dehumidifier for about £100 in afew weeks time that he's had also for about a yr.

Do u reckon it would be worth my while getting that aswell, i mean he's really good as far as paying up goes, as long as u give him something each week & don't take the piss.Or would it b a case of system overload for a 1st time grower like myself.

would i b better off just getting to now how to use the system i've got at the moment before buying any more equipment?

Muchos Grascias again for any info u can put my way,believe me i've found there's soooo much to learn, but it's all coming toghther & starting to sink in now, & it's all down to UK420 & all the dudes that use this site,( man, i'm starting to sound like a right kiss arse)

:huh: MT

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Don't think you'll need a dehumidifier with all that venting.....

Wait and see how humid it gets in there.....

You need it, get it.....You don;t , don't.......

Nice system though......

:huh: hp................


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now then fella nice

you should be growing green b4 you know it plus some one to check out your plants if any probs occur...

if youve got some money to spare argos for an Ioniser... things grow well next to these and they clean your air and room of dust worth a look

also bit of Co2 to use all that light but first things first... :huh:

carrying on from the shiny sport car these extra items are like your cd player and bass tube added extras you buy later on :D

yes get your ass into gear and get your plants on the grow...

all the best happy growing



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Yeah man, must say i have been dragging my heels abit on getting the grow going.

I was originally gonna go from seeds, but since bumping into my m8, he said if i hang on for a few weeks, he'll sort me out some cuttings from his mother plant.HE said he'll even veg 'em for me for abit, so that when i get them all i have to do is to put them straight into my tank for a further 1 week veg then straight into flower.(wot do use reckon?)

Got a argos catologue somewhere, so i'm gonna check out the ionizers later,cheers for that bit of info, sounds like it might save me some dough aswell,-----which would be nice.

Muchos Grascias :huh: MT

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Must say it sounds like u can get great results from using co2, but i would b learning to run b4 i could even walk, u also need air conditioning i think which cost wise is out of my reach at the momemt.

Gonna learn myself to walk proper before i start trying to run.

Muchos Grascias :D MT

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