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Centrifugal Bathroom Fans


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Evenin all.

Hoping someone with a bit of experience could help me with my fans, or lack of.

Basically, I've got no exhaust / feed as yet, but me cupboard can have the door left open most of the time & coz I am 3rd floor I can leave a widdow open at the far end of the room it opens into. Plus I have the standard clip fan. The cupboard is 40" * 43" * 83". Noise isn't too much of an issue either.

On a bit of a budget for the next grow as I have already bought a shiny new Compact ballast & HPS to add to my 250w of enviros. Going for 4 plants in 20 litre bubblers. Decided I am gonna need an exhaust at least despite my best venting attempts - I work from home so can keep constant monitoring. Anyway (forgive me ramblings) coz of the budget I have been on ebay & noticed some centrifugal fans for bathrooms - guess coz everyone NEEDS (!) a wet room or somethin. Stick 'centrifugal fan' into an ebay search & have a look. They claim to be able to shift 230m3 per hour or thereabouts. And a lot cheaper than an RVK or similar.

All of this is a 'for now' fix. Least I will be cutting a reusable hole :D I know some folk may say not to waste the money, but self employment = sporadic money!

Does any body know anything of these bathroom centrifugals.They also do inlines too. Is there a better / cheaper solution. Or are they no better than standard axials ;) ;)

All help will be very gratefully receievd. Worse than building on a budget is cocking up on a budget :wacko: I know I ma pretty new round here, but I will pull my wieght eventually!

Promise :smoke:

Edited by goldfish
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Okay so mebbe I'm not the best person to try and give advice about fans etc. but I'm game ;)

I have been on ebay


& noticed some centrifugal fans for bathrooms... They claim to be able to shift 230m3 per hour or thereabouts. And a lot cheaper than an RVK or similar.

All of this is a 'for now' fix. Least I will be cutting a reusable hole :D I know some folk may say not to waste the money, but self employment = sporadic money!

Does any body know anything of these bathroom centrifugals. They also do inlines too.

Centrifugal fans are made for on and off use...

Inlines are made for constant use...

Don't fall into the trap of making do, you will be better off saving and getting a propah fan. No point in buying summat that you'll end up needing to replace anyway ;)


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Don't fall into the trap of making do, you will be better off saving and getting a propah fan. No point in buying summat that you'll end up needing to replace anyway :yinyang:


Evenin GW (just been eyeing up your mexican haze. weird. ooeer, not meant as a double entendre!)

Dya reckon I am best just going without for now then, & spending some proper pennies in 7 or so weeks?

TBH the amount of thinking it is requiring, I could have earned the money three times over already :yinyang:

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im useing a 100mm bathroom extractor 110m3 a hour in my growcubboard . im on day 20 of flowering still no noise been on from day 1 but i am going to get a rvk125 because im getting a budbox .this is my frist grow .

evenin hotdogz. Can i ask how you are getting on with it? Is it proving to be too inadequate for the size of room? Hows the heat?

cheers buddy ;)

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i am using 2 bathroom fans in my veg box, 1 in 1 out.

they are 83m/h apparently

the veg box is 2ft x 2ft x 2.5ft, i am using 1 blue enviro.

27 degrees at all times.

make of that what you will.

in answer to your question, they will be of fuck all use to you m8, especially when the temps rise.

if you buy them now and then you need to replace them with a proper fan, you may as well have just bought the proper fan.

they seem costly at first, but they are worth their weight in gold in the long run.

i bought a td160 18 months ago and it is still doing me proud right now, that pushes 160 m/h and is in a 5ft x 2ft x 2ft flower room with 2 enviro's and that is at 28 degrees, as you can see it will need to be upgraded soon, as it is running full pelt as it is and it's bloody cold out atm, i will be cutting it really fine when it starts to get hotter outside.

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Guest hotdogz

Im useing a 200watt envirolite .... lite on is 29 lite off is 21 . hud is 51 .all is good so far just added pics in my link ;)

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it's hovering around minus degrees outside atm, when the temps get up to the mid 20s with peaks at 30 your fans will need to be shifting a lot more air to keep it cool.

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Cheers fellas. Startin to think your right dohped - its a lot of cash but can't go without any longer. Especially as summer is on the way. This is my first grow in this house so I aint quite sure how the temps are gonna be. Best get it set up as soon as possible. Plus trying to find cheap alternatives is giving me a headache :headpain::headpain:

I'll just have to keep thinking about how many dealer eighths there are in the cost of the fan.

....sorry Barclays for what I am about to do to your overdraft.........

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