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Humidity Control


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Hi all.

I have only just started to build my growroom, but I woulld like to know if there are any cheap de-humidifiers out there that anyone can recommend for a growroom (in my case about 4 cubic mtrs).

Where I live has a hell of lot of tree growth around so the general atmosphere for most of the time is very humid, so I can see it being a problem. It's certainly been a problem for my outdoor grows <_< I will be growing in a detatched garage so the air will come straight from outdoors.

I have looked around OG faq etc, but appart from knowing it can be a problem I haven't found much advice on lowering humidity should it get problamatic.

There are the B&Q machines for around £90, but these have got to be too big.

Any advice?


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Hi nomy,

I fully understand your concern as my situ is similar, I got round the general problem by dramatically increasing the air flow, i thought of getting a dehumidifier, but didn't want the hassle of having to empty the thing every day, i found that the high humidity wasn't a problem as long as the air was fresh and plentyful, used to cause mold problems with 'tight' budding plants, especially in autum/early winter

towards the end of 12/12 (>6weeks with me!) you may also want to consider that the humidity can also rise when the lights go off, due to condensing air etc, I keep the extractors going 24hrs seems to work fine.

hope this helps and good luck with the 'outside inside' grow you (get adavantages as well as some of the disadvantages :D)

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Well, if you use a similar outdoor/indoor setup :woot: perhaps you can help me on the issue of cold during the winter.

I have already posted this, but my concern is that even if I use the lights at night, the days can be very cold during winter. If I continue with the full extraction during the dark times, it will be dragging in very cold air. How do you get round this problem?

I have designed my room to be 8 feet long by 4 feet wide, but with a partition of wood framed plastic in the middle. One room will be the grow room and the other will be a kind of anti room for cloning etc which is where the fresh air will come from. So the idea during cold weather would be to have some background heating in the 'anti' room so the air that gets sucked in through there would be warm ish.

This is an area that I am a little unsure of, so if you have a similar setup I would be gratefull for any tips.

I haven't even started it yet I know, but I need to get it right :D I will be building next week though.

Many thx,


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UFO's right

Increasing the airflow is probably the best and cheapest way of decreasing the humidity. Buying humidifiers etc, just becomes expensive and starts adding more to the electricity bill.

As concerns the air coming in being very humid. Once it comes into your room, the air will be warmer than outside because of your light (hps i presume), and therefore the relative humidity will decrease (warmer air holds more moisture). Wait and see what happens when you set it up, you may be pleasantly surprised.

On another note, the design of your growroom. Be careful having the veg and flower chamber so close together and also having air being drawn from one into the other. You will be making it very easy to get light pollution in the flowering chamber. Also, drawing air from a chamber that has plants growing in it will mean that the air has less CO2 in it. Would be better to draw fresh air from elsewhere.

As others on this site will tell you, i have a thing about light pollution (mono!!, ahem!) If you have a divide between the two chambers, make sure it is light proof. No gaps, etc. You'd need to check it and maintain it to ensure light security.

You can have the extractors coming on intermitently through the night rather than on 24 therefore controlling the humidity but without shocking the plants with too much cold air.

Hope that helps


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Hi nomy,

fully agree about the combination of flower and veg, puts a lot more design

work into your project and increases the risk of light getting through, but can also see your reasons for wanting to.

About the cold in winter etc, i went out and bought shit loads of loft insulation, i built a basic frame out of cheap pine and lined the inside with hardboard, i then placed the loft insulation against the board and covered with more board, did this to the three brick walls that complete the room also, basically i have nearly 6'' of insulation on all walls and ceiling, sound like a lot of work i know, but i built it in a day, and you only have to do it once.

(until you get board with the size and want to rebuild like me lol)

When i first started i had 800w in total (400whps & 400w mh) I mounted the ballast units on a board which is kept in a large box, the box has a powerful 4'' fan mounted internally and blows air that passes over the ballasts into the room via a 1 foot 4' duct , this fan can be swithed off in summer. also i found that as long as you don't go down to frost levels in the room you shouldn't have a problem. (large variation in temps within your grow room is said to increase the strength of the bud, not sure if this is true, but i'm so mashed most of the time it might be.....

bloody hell! did i write all that!!!

anyhow, goodluck and get creative!


lol:huh: ufo

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