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i am a little bit unsure of the best ways to germing my seeds ,on my last attempt i had 10 lowryand 10 ak48,i bought a sort of propegater with peat pods out of the 20 seeds i only got 2 ak48 sprouted and no lowryder at all,so would like to hear of any other ways with a good pecentage rate.as i have 10 pot of gold and want to make sure i at least get some popped,any info would be mucho appreciato,hogan

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I stick them in lots of wet bog-roll then into a tupperware box with the lid cracked, then into the airing cupboard wrapped in a towel.

Just popped some ROX in on Thursday, ALL had popped by Friday and into pots :wassnnme: .....


Edited by RAZ
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Guest topdoggnumberone

i am a little bit unsure of the best ways to germing my seeds ,on my last attempt i had 10 lowryand 10 ak48,i bought a sort of propegater with peat pods out of the 20 seeds i only got 2 ak48 sprouted and no lowryder at all,so would like to hear of any other ways with a good pecentage rate.as i have 10 pot of gold and want to make sure i at least get some popped,any info would be mucho appreciato,hogan

Hello Hogan, i hope this helps you mate because the reason I made the beggining of my diary as detailed as i did is to help people germinate seeds easily. The whole grow didn't go according to plan but the first couple of pages should help you.

Click Here!

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i wouldt do this unless you know for sure what your doing..

my technique is to crak the seed shell along its seem (sp) and pull off either half of the seed shell

then gently pull off the skin surrounding the seeling inside..

then i put it in some wet 'lint-free' tissue

i find it speess up grwoth and germination time.

it works for me EVERYTIME.

Edited by {[(cannabliss)]}
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i am a little bit unsure of the best ways to germing my seeds ,on my last attempt i had 10 lowryand 10 ak48,i bought a sort of propegater with peat pods out of the 20 seeds i only got 2 ak48 sprouted and no lowryder at all,so would like to hear of any other ways with a good pecentage rate.as i have 10 pot of gold and want to make sure i at least get some popped,any info would be mucho appreciato,hogan

well cheers all you 420 people great advice but after a few hours going through all the grow diaries i have decided on wet paper towel in a tupperware container with cracked lid wrapped in towel and into airing cupboard,heres hoping i get better results ,well now the waiting game begins cheers all will keep all informed success or not.....

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  • 7 months later...

OK I put 2 seeds into damp paper 2 days ago after 24 hours the paper was dry and the seeds not cracked. So I used a little more water and back in the airing cupboard checked today and paper is still damp but still no cracking.

What to do ?? I fear that my paper may not be damp enough as I have looked at other pics and the paper looks real wet. Have these seeds now been ruined ???

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Added more water to paper left in cupboard again AND ......... I have just germinated my first ever seeds :yinyang::guitar: . In to pots and out in the sun :smoke:

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I just put a wet piece of kitchen paper on plate put the seeds on it and cover with another piece of kitchen roll, then leave it somewhere dark like a cupboard or something. Never had any probs with it. Even the seeds that dont pop i just scuff and put back in kitchen roll.

By scuff i mean line a match box with sandpaper, put seeds in box and shake for a couple of minutes. Put them in kitchen roll again and roberts your mothers brother. Popped! Works everytime!!!

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I,germanated my seeds in potting soil in a propogator, They turned out well though some took slightly longer than others ,but that might be because they were different breeds. :yinyang::wassnnme: Peace

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