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Twisted Rizla

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Hi all

I have a couple of Early Girls in the greenhouse that are almost done. I say almost, by this I mean that I only have around 10% brown hairs. I'm assuming for an Early Girl Sativa I need to wait until they are 80%. Perhaps you'd be kind enough to correct me if I'm wrong on that.

They seem to be happy enough and a heater ensures that they are kept nice and cosy all the time. However, all of the bigger leaves have now turned yellow and dropped off. The smaller leaves sticking out of the buds are still nice and dark coloured though. Is this normal or do you think that the plants are sucking the nutrients out of the leaves.

Why would they be doing that if I am feeding them properly you no doubt ask? In the absense of cash I resorted to using some tomato plant feed I had in the shed. I figured that some feed was better than none.

Anyway, on to my real question: I have now purchased some Biocanna Bio Flores and a bottle of Bio Boost. Given that the plants look like they'll be coming down in the next couple of weeks is it too late to use any of these?

I understand that for a better tasting smoke you should stop feeding a week or so before you are going to harvest.

I was thinking that since they are warm and dry enough they could probably stay where they are for quite a bit longer. Do you think that the buds would suddenly spurt in growth if I added this stuff now or do you think I'm too late?


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do you think that the plants are sucking the nutrients out of the leaves

Dont nute now mate.Sounds like the plant is using up the nitrogen which they do towards the end of their life.Also helps with a smoother smoke. :unsure:

Just keep an eye out for budrot.Other than that as you were :puke:

Owd lol

Edited by Owderb
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