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:D hi all i am seting up a nft system 4 a pall off mine we would like to know wat nutrient solution i have asked at different shops and all send me mad one says one thing and another says somthink ells :woot: there must be good and bad nutes ;) please let me know your choise of nutes and why :) .......ttfn................ :)
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Hi Vek

I think it depends on which strain you are growing.

At the moment I am using Ionic grow, bloom and boost. The more indica strains that i am growing seem to be fine with the bloom, but the more sativa seem to have a little trouble with it and appearto get a macro deficiency of some sort, probably N.

I used to use Growth Technology Optimum or Europonic, both of which i had no trouble with at all. Eco-bloom was something i experimented with and got good results but there could be some difficulty in getting all of the powder/grains to dissolve propely so i thought it might be a little inconsistent in the nutes it finally delivered to the plants.

So, i think my answer is coimng out a little like what the different retailers are telling you. There is no best one, you really need to try a couple of different types and see how you go. I am growing some blueberry at the moment and they seem to love Ionic, so that may be as good a place as any to start.

Hope that helps


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:huh: thanxs chip tiz bluberry i will be trying so i will take your good advice and try ionic, if there is any little tips youn can give me i would be interested 2 here as this will be my first atempt at nft :o attfn
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Just my £0.02...

I use General Hydro Flora 3-part nutes (Grow, Micro and Bloom), and have done for about the past two years. Of all the nutes I've used over the years, these have been by far the best in terms of quality and results. They are simple enough for the beginner to get to grips with, but their real benefit is that they can be blended to different recipes once you get some experience and knowledge under your belt. This means that they can be fine-tuned for specific stages of the growing period, and even for different strains if you need to.

To start with, the instructions on the bottle will be more than adequate to help you grow good bud. But if you want to try something a bit more creative then check out the regime I'm currently using - GH Flora - Special K. There is a LOT of info on GH nutes on Overgrow, check it out (no disrespect to UK420 meant! :rolleyes: ).

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