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power supply

midnite toker

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:blues: the growrooms built & the grow system is finally getting there,but i know jackshit about electric's.so if someone could point me in the right direction on wether i should have the power running into the growroom,or just outside if you no wot imean. many thanx in advance for any info it will much appreciated.just itching to get up & growing. MT :woot:
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When you get your lighting equipment it will consist of a shade and a ballast(big heavy metal box). The ballast should be kept outside the growroom as this generates heat. Some say it produces upto 40% of the heat.

I hope this is what you were referring to? :blues:

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If you were on about actual sockets in tour growing area then don't do it coz the plants will only play around with the switches to do your head in! :woot: :lol: :D

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:blues: cheers for the feedback HIGHLANDER.i've been 'avin nightmares about the elictrical side of things.it's a case of i know someone at work who says he could rig me up a fuse board up in the loft,& then from there sockets to werever i wanted them.even though he's kosher it's someone else who knows wot your up to.or a case of running ext.cables up there with more sckt ext. leads coming off of them.i mean thats alot of power running though them ext. leads;the thought of torching down the house wouldn't impress the missus to much,hence the nightmares, or is it just me being paranoid? ;)

mucho grascias anyway hombre.MT

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I think we all have worries about our growrooms turning into fireballs. I know I used to.

As I said before keep all sockets outside the growroom to be doubly safe and just run the wires in. Matter of fact your not using that much power really. If you want to be really safe put a sheet of metal under your ballast but even if something were to happen it would only conk out.

How about your fans? They'll only conk out as well.

What if your bulb falls out of its socket? Then your plants conk out!!!

None of these things are gonna happen. As they say on crimewatch "don't have nightmares."

However if you are in your loft make sure the roof's okay. Water on any of your electrics could cause a short circuit.

PS. Don't know how much you know but when you go on to 12/12 light cycle you NEED a 'contactor' to stop your timer malfunctioning.

Does anybody know if contactors act as circuit breakers as well?

MT hablas espanol muy bien.

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One more thought MT

You can run all your eqyipment of one socket safely(irons use loads of current).

Why don't you buy a length of cable put a plug on it,plug it in a handy or descrete socket,run the cable up the wall (fixing where necessary),pop the cable through the ceiling, then attach a B&Q (metal cased) socket to it once in your loft.

You can do that I know you can. Get heavy duty cable though to be doubly sure. Ask the guy in the shop if your not. Just tell him it's for an iron ;)

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:Dthanx for the info HIGHLANDER & MR BENN.I did come to descion today about the electric's,& i'm gonna run two ext. leads up to the loft.there about 10mtre maybe 15 mtre long,with 4 sckts on each one & 13amp with a trip switch on the side.not sure of the price but i remember seeing them down B&Q the other week.Answering your Q. about the contactor HIGHLANDER. i have heard about them,& last time i was down the local grow shop i was shown some second hand ones that were going for about £25.they were 2 sckts with a timer on them,is that right?

About the spanish?i used to work with some good mates of mine that done abit of work in Baracalona,& when they come back,certain words & phrase's just become clicky buzz word's in that circle.Hence many moon's down the road they just filter into every day sayings.Anyway muchos grascias mein Herr's,& sorry for the stoney ramblins.MT

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Yeah MT

the contactor has two plugs on it one for a socket and one goes into the timer then the socket. You can run 2 or 3 lights on one contactor (depending on spec) just put a multiplug on the other end.

Mr Benn

It's a good job we've got profesionals on the site i.e. "earth everything"


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;)Nice one & many thanx for the replies back.The info back has lifted my electrical depression so i'm gonna put plans into action this wk/end & sort something out along the lines of the advice yur've given.Veilen Danke.MT

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