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:ninja: High everyone, hope we are all keeping safe and well?

Right then i am still in the process of designing/building my new room, and i would like to know can i use sheets of mdf ?? thing is i really have to watch the pennies at the mo and i found mdf for only 8.99 a sheet (8ftx4ft) 1/2 " thick.

So can i or cant i ?? Anyone please ?

cheers everyone :ninja:

take care and be good

hemlok :unsure:

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:DHi Hemlok, I`ve used MDF for my GR. I used 5mm mdf and painted it matt white on my first grow and it was great. No heat spots and the lamp was 8 inhes away in places. No I`ve saved up and bought a reflective sheeting like mylar. It has the added bonus of being flame retardent.

The mdf painted was fine tho. Good venting essential obviously.

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:ninja: Nice one DB :ninja:

mdf it is :D just gonna work out the dimensions now and order tommorow maybe :) woohoo

Top man DB :unsure:

take care and keep safe


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:woot: So i take that is a yes is it Mr B ??

I forgot one small detail when i was planning all this i am going to have to wait until my current grow (snow white and sk#1) are finished which will probably be around middle of september! (both at 4 1/2 wks 12/12) the sk#1 is just putting on weight :) and the snow white has gone all frosty looking and the pistils are turning brown, which means if i have read my book right and have actually absorbed some of the knowledge of our wonderful home from home, that the snow white should be ready real soon?! if anyone can shed light please do, i know i am going off topic and i am sorry, if thats ok of course ?!

take care and rememeber to cover up in the sun !

hemlok :D

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hi hemlok,

I use mdf extensively - and it's very hard-wearing. You might want to try the white-sided MDF - as it's not much more expensive, it saves having to paint the mdf - and is also less porous to water - with it's plastic like exterior. Good stuff.

As for the Snow White being nearly ready - I'd use a hand magnifier to check the stalked trichomes - when half of them are opaque - the weed is ready - basically the THC begins to degrade to CBD. The pistils browning is not that accurate as strains really vary these days - some get all brown pistils very early - some get hardly any. Generally from about day 49 in flower up to about 60-65 is when 95% of hybrids finish - except the sat-dominant examples.


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:angry: Ah HP my saviour :ninja:

I was planning on stretching and pinning that long life mylar over the mdf, as the cheapest local place that has it is a roof supplies place, it just happens that they also carry 8x4 ft sheets of 12mm mdf :D just the bog standard brown stuff, long life mylar should be ok though as it is plastic backed and like you said if need be i can always slap a load of matt white on first if need be.

Take care and keep safe bud

hemlok :D

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Hemlock why are you gonna stretch the mylar over MDF? It's flat already,

Rather than use MDF why not make a series of rectangular frames (only the top & bottom to be solid) stretch the mylar over these and fix with staples. The advantages are it doesn't trap heat as solid walls do and it's just a wicked idea.

Personally i don't like working with MDF: it's too heavy and brittle. This means that as your cab. gets knocked/moved about their is a greater chance the screws will loosen and the cab. will get all rickity :rolleyes:

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Wise words Highlander......:ROCKIN:..... :rolleyes:

I had the pleasure of visiting Highlander's cabinet last night...... :D ....:hump: brilliant, real pro looking jog, lightweight frame sa he desribes, mylar stretched over like a canvas on a frame.....

Great venting , great temps, top lighting, all healthy......

Highlander: a force to be reckoned with.......bet he's got a bad head this morning though...... :D


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Does MDF keep heat in? No chance of a pork chopper spotting it?

Or would insulated plaster board be better? Just worried about a huge heat spot in the garage!

"Highlander: a force to be reckoned with.......bet he's got a bad head this morning though"

LMAO :rolleyes:

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Highlander: you have a point about MDF being heavy.....

How's your set up at containing odor?

Mr. Bishie: Don't worry about that infrared survelance business....it costs a lot of money to put those things up in the air and they're normally chasing joy riders.....plus you could of just parked your car in the garidge and it's engines still hot :rolleyes:

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cutting circular holes in mdf is tricky...

for anyone who's ever tried it... :D

...stoned, hanging sideways, sucking in dust from the floor, hot, tired, stanley-knife blunt again, muscles burning... how much longer...? And don't even think about trying to saw a piece of mdf...


Strong for the money though... cheap 'n' strong... puff... puff...!!

...They can put that on its grave... when it's dead...


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nasty stuff to breathe in is mdf....carciongenic

where protection

be safe not suffering lung probs later in life


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