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Electrical questions


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Ive just built a cabinet to go with my newly purchased 400W hps.

I know sod all about electrical stuff, but i know its pretty bad to overload a single electrical socket with loads of extension plugs etc.

So, my problem is i only have one electrical socket in my attic. So if i put a 4 plug extension onto that, will that be ok to run the bulb, two air pumps, and a fan or two?


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I ran my first set up off a four wayer in a single socket and had no trouble at all. I had a 400 watt light, an air pump and a fan running for months and not once did i get a problem.

Hope this helps.

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Don't forget to spend some money on a decent circuit breaker.. It'll be cheaper than a new roof! - Don't take any chances...

happy growing - :ninja:

p.s. - Is this the stealth cabinet?

Sounds great, let us all know how it's going when you're up & running.. I'd love to know as :unsure: is my only real option.

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Your 4way will have a 13amp fuse so the max power will be roughly 3kw that will give you plenty scope but I would check out the pinned topic on this board on relays by The d.o.c. it will save you a time clock or two in the long run.

Love & Peace. M.A.T. :ninja:

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Nice one. I'll wire it up tonight, take some pics and put em on this if i can.

Yeah it is supposed to be a stealth cabinet, but it looks like a wardrobe for a midget to be honest :unsure:

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