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Mornirng all :D

Last night after a seshion i started thinking how i could install somsort of intake into my room ;)

As ive said before both side walls are a NO NO for intake 1side a hot boiler room the others pure concrete god knows how thick & i cant intake from the loft where im extracting too :headpain:

So i had a brain wave maybe i could (my closet doors got 4 panels on it......If i were 2 say take off the bottom panel add hinges to this so its like a little door for fresh air to go thorough , this will also enable me to have the door shut (in theory) ;)

I got told if you do your intake alot bigger than your extraction then you wont need a fan pushing air in the room...However i could always stand a fan outside the room blowing through the panel in the door lol

Ive drawn a before & after pic lol im not an artist :stoned: but it should give you a rough idea into what im getting at? ( mind my art work tho lol )

After looking/reading do you think this will be possible & will it intake enough?

The plan is to put 2 hinges on this panel & use it like a door on a door so it can be opend all day for intake & be shut @ night time? what do ya think....plz hepl??

Lawless :spliff:



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have you thought to maybe just drill a 4" hole and use an inline to draw air in?

you can always take the door off if its a goodun and replace it with a cheapun b4 you start cutting holes in it mindyou, or you could just use blackout mylar as a door and cut holes in the instead?


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Thanx for the swift reply MDP :spliff:

have you thought to maybe just drill a 4" hole and use an inline to draw air in?

The thing is that means buying another intake/extraction fan ,does it?

Im not saying im not gna however for a "so called" Budget grow like it started off id say £300 is way over budget ;)

But if i was to do this could a use a cheep(ish) fan like a £30er? :headpain:

So would that what i just posted about , the panel on the door not work or not allow me to have the door shut?

Baasicly i`ll be happy if i can safly shut the door properly without worrying about the temps skying & CO2 levels non existent....would the door thing allow me to do that?

Sorry about all the Q`s but the way i see it if your gna do a job do it properly not half a job lol

Cheers MDP

Lawless :stoned:

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hey bud :)

i wouldnt try to over complicate things & doors within doors and keeping it lightproof sounds like more trouble than its worth(specially if you do it all then find out its not doing the job properly)

you probly notice i`m always telling ppl to buy two fans, its not cos i work for the company that makes em! lol just cos i know for a fact the difference it`ll make to most grow area`s :yep:

a decent 4" fan should cost you no more than £50, i got my 5" rvk`s for about 55 somewhere

you`ll easily make that back off the 1st harvest... stitch in time an all that bollox ;)


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a decent 4" fan should cost you no more than £50, i got my 5" rvk`s for about 55 somewhere

you`ll easily make that back off the 1st harvest... stitch in time an all that bollox

True.....so i may wait untill next friday when i get a months £££S im gna buy a 5inch rvk & use the manrose currently used for extraction for intake :yep:

Just 2 put my mind at rest if i`d gone ahead cutting the door up lol

would it of worked or was it a stoned thought 2 many??? ;)

Lawless :yinyang:

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hi lawless

im not sure if this is clear to you, but you can just buy some silver ducting (you know, the tubing stuff), make a round hole in the growroom, near the floor, the size of the tubing, for the intake and stick the tubing in it, then cut the length of the tubing as needed and put the other end near a window or summat, so your growroom is drawing in cool air.

if you have an extractor fan running, just putting in some tubing for the intake might be enough because as the extractor fan pulls air out of the growroom, it creates a vacuum, which pulls the air in from the intake.

if you find temps are still too hot, then you might want to think about buying another fan, inline not oscillator, and have that fan blowing air into the growroom, which will cool it down even more.

but also, you could add more intake holes with more tubing, to increase the amount of air being drawn in to the growroom, sometimes just adding more passive intakes (intakes with no fans blowing air into them), can be enough and will save on the cost of an intake fan and keep the noise of the growroom down.

just to be clear, an intake with just tubing is calling passive, an intake with an inline fan blowing air in to the room, is active, hence you'll hear active intakes and passive intakes being talked about.

the reason for using tubing, btw, is that if its long enough it doesnt ruin your light proofing in your box. if you just have a door or a flap or summink, then youve got a light leak, which is no good for 12/12.

hope that helps ya buddy. :yinyang:


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Thanx MU for taking the time to explain it 2 me :yep:

I got it now so i could make a hole in the bottom of the door (cant intake from inside anywhere) my window oppisite my G/R so i could just run the ducting to near the window ,is that right?

I thought there was 2 ways of intaking thanx for the advice :yinyang:

Lawless B)

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exactly mate.

typical tubing comes in 10m rolls, per box.

say for example the window is 4 meters away from your growroom.

what you could do for example, to try and avoid having to buy another fan, is to make 2 holes at opposite corners near the floor of your growroom, making the holes with diameter of the tubing (say 100mm for example).

then cut the tubing in half so youve got two lengths of 5m.

then you stick one end of the tubing into each intake hole and take the other ends and put them near a window, so then you would have two points where air is being drawn in, through two passive intakes.

because ur using the tubing, its lightproof and due to it being 4 meters away no light should get in through the tubing end near the window and get into your growroom.. if it does you can just bend the tubing to stop the light getting in.


edit: i should stress, i agree totally with mdp. lol having two fans, one extracing and one intaking is more effective than passive intakes, but thought it would help lawless to have alternatve ideas if funds are limited. ;):yinyang:

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Thanx MU :yep:

Ive just had a go at it my door is shut now im gna check temps in 20mins :yinyang:

Using houshold items this is what ive come up with...a 6inch normal fan connected to half metre of white ducting 4inch (not ideal i know)

The ducting runs from the fan into a hole in the bottom pannel of my g/r door

What im concerned about is ( assuming temps will be ok) the fan obviously is sucking air from my bedroom & through the G/r door...is the air being pumped in containing Co2 im gussing it should coz thats what we brethe out???

Thanx im hoping this will work as is cost me nothing....i like nothing ;)

Lawless lol

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the air being sucked out of your room is fine, you wont die!! :woot:

in fact, its good, as it forces new air into the room and into your growroom, which is what you want.

what you have done may work, its all going to rest on the extractor fan and how good that is. if its powerful enough with good size intakes, you'll be fine, but i am worried your fan isnt up to the job.

good luck!

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Well The doors been closed for nearly an hour now ;)

i have been into the attic & the extractors pumping hot air into there so all is well in that area ;)

The temps havnt gone over 29c & havnt gone under 28c its hovering around there ;)

I still have 3 fans inside extraction & some sort of intake so inside the the enviroment is probly the best ive had it up 2 yet :ninja:

its nice & warm summer type(ish) weather with a nice breeze hot air goin out new air coming in...im quite happy with it how it is :woot:

Im just thinking that in the middle of blazing summer i may have 2 have the door open a few inches (aint a problem tho)

for now there happy & so am I 28-29c with the door SHUT lol Yay

Thanx everyone for your help ;)

Lawless B)

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