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Took a cutting of each 2 days ago, dabbed in honey and into cutting medium, they've grown , so does that mean they are rooted and established??


Or do they grow when they've been cut off the original mum


Couple days later


Edited by Skit Rat
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I've never seen anything root in 2 days, but a cutting growing means there are roots

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You will know within the next 10 days to 2 weeks. As said above, growth is a good sign.

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Yippee ki yay amigos,  hopefully I get to make some seeds this year !

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Will take a bit of time  mate.    

Outdoors after you pot the cut ...its still got @10 days or so of looking healthy before they either make it or shrivel mate. 

Fingers crossed mucker.     

I would be keeping them covered , a bag / dome , something 👍


Good luck mate

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Doubt they taken yet dude after a few days.

I been reading shitloads on here about cloning lately as i want to take some myself to pollinate indoors.

And nearly all the methods i read about high humidity is a common factor to success.

So as already suggested get em in a propagator or plastic bags and leave em for a week or 2.


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Hi guys , I'm super green pardon the pun to cloning ect growing indoors , I can just about manage to get a GG dry and cured , but abit of luck and a good ole read and I'm halfway winning the other half cones from clarifications and your good folk with semi/experience in the game.


I've not got a dome or bags but inside the black tote the RH is around 87 and is stable as there's water in the bottom I think.


I'm keen to see but I ordered another PUSDC , the one I got already is fast and big so would like to self pollinate it and and it into other strains for shitz and gigglez

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On 04/06/2024 at 10:28, pollenlover said:

You will know within the next 10 days to 2 weeks. As said above, growth is a good sign.





they wont root in a couple of days.

maybe spray them once a day with a light grow solution to keep them going till roots get going.


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I wrap my cuttings up in a heated propagator. I use an Inkbird to regulate temps (25  degrees Celcius...ish). When I take the cuttings I use a decent rooting hormone. Then I spray the inside of the propagator with water. I use some shitty T5 LED strips and leave them. In four weeks time I'll know which cuts have rooted. Patience is a virtue with cuttings.



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10 days now since the cutting where taken, looks like the auto didn't make it it went into pre flower but the leaves wilted, the pineapple upside down cake looks like it's growing good with new node growing up , will get a pic up in abit when back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update , the auto grew , looked like it stretched and flowered , then it didn't .


But good news is the pineapple upside down cake  is doing good.



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Happy days :thumsup:       I have tried a few times with slime brigade auto cuts with no joy.


Currently got 2 slime donated cuts of OSG Old Widow that been sitting in pot for 2 wks and look to be rotting. 

Goodmluck with it mucker and fingers crossed 👍

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