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Tent smells like damp towels?

David Attenborough

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large.WP_20230920_10_48_53_Pro.jpgI needed to raise the humidity so I put a damp towel in my tent, that was a few days agfo and it was removed soon afterwards.

Now when I open my tent it still smells like damp towels.


Extraction has been turned up, RH aaround 30-40 , temps 26-29 , One week into flowering. Plants are growing fast so I dont know if they are just sweating loads or if they smell like damp towels because there is an issue. Thick canopy with air intake beneath canopy. I am going to lay off watering for a while (co-co) and see if that helps but really though should they be smelling like damp towels?

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35 minutes ago, David Attenborough said:

but really though should they be smelling like damp towels?



no lol


not sure why your humidity is so low, are you in the UK? mine is through the roof atm, 70-80% with this mad wet weather.


with a canopy like that i'm sure it should be higher, do you have something else you can gauge it with?


e2a, cracking canopy and really healthy looking plants though mate.

Edited by ratdog
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Im pretty sure it isnt far off, as the canopy spread the average RH started to rise. I had a sniff before lights off, under the canopy isnt bad at all , the co co smells like compost if I snoiff some in my hand, above the canopy stinks of damp towels though. They are drinking a lot and its starting to creep up too, I give them 1.5 ltrs eaqch waterinmg and the run off went from a fair bit to almost none.

Ive noticed wet patches where a leaf sits ontop of another leaf when lights first come on so I wonder if they are just sweating lots?


I would have thought that they would be smelling very skunky by now though? They are Bruce Banner 3 fast , I dont know if this strain actually does smell of damp towels but I doubt it.


Readings are taken just at canopy level and the probe hangs i8n the same position all the time. I might drop it down below the canopy at lights onto see how damp it is down below.

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1 hour ago, Larry Badgeley said:

Cannabis likes high humidity when growing. Just need to get it down in flower

So what target am I looking for in flower? This morning it was 35 , max read 45 , so average 40 , temps dropped to 22 in the night and back up to 26 lights on. Does that sound about right?


The smell wasnt so intense this morning when the lights came on, I turned up extraction and skipped a watering.

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15 hours ago, ratdog said:



no lol


not sure why your humidity is so low, are you in the UK? mine is through the roof atm, 70-80% with this mad wet weather.


with a canopy like that i'm sure it should be higher, do you have something else you can gauge it with?


e2a, cracking canopy and really healthy looking plants though mate.

Thanks mate, The canopy isnt as flat as I would have wanted but my lights are modular so I can adjust each corner of the tent independently. I LST'd and supercropped them, In hindsight I should have started the LST from the second or third node before the stems got too thick. First grow though so live and learn. Also I should have thought about watering more carefully, its not easy getting water in under the canopy to the plants furthest away.



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Just now, BilgePump said:

If yer getting condensation between leaves id be shopping for a new hygrometer :yep:



I think you might be right, buy cheap buy twice I guess.

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48 minutes ago, UKsFinest said:

They look like cracking plants mate, how's your air flow? Have you flipped em yet look like monsters.

Thanks mate, they were flipped last week after 4 and a bit weeks from seed. I never topped them and again in hindsight maybe I should have, I just super cropped and bent them over. Air flow ontop is pretty good, a floor standing fan suspened from the top. Air flow undernweath the canopy is passive from two inlets, not ideal at all. Therre is a decent negative pressure on the tent so there is air flow there, just no circulation.


The rh under the canopy at the moment is 45 , I will leave the probe in there and check when I get home from work to get an average and see whats going on down there.

The damp towel smell does seem to have subsided though. My guess is I was watering way too much.

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