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Cannabis & Paranoia


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Hey all


What's the posting policy for things like saying what you take, and how often? My post is nothing to do with selling cannabis or how to make it. It's basically just a run down of what I consume and a few follow-up questions about mental health.



Edited by SeaJay
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Ok cool


Recently, I've been going through some turmoil in my life due to mental health, and I've started wondering if it's due to my cannabis edibles. You know what it's like, when you Google Cannabis and Paranoia, the info is a bit for and against. 


This is what I consume:


- A chocolate brownie about the size of my thumb (at most, usually a bit less)

- Three days on - four days off, every week

- Been this way for about 18 months to 2 years

- Didn't start until I was in my early 50s

- I have a history of mental health issues to do with anxiety

- Been diagnosed with ADHD and CPTSD


In short, as far as I can tell, I am not abusing it. When I do take too much, I do get the usual panicky feelings (as is well known), but mainly, it just chills me out. 


As an aside, I've tried Cannabis Oil 3000mg Full Spectrum, but it doesn't do much at all.


A related question; I need to wind down, so wouldn't Indica be better for me rather than Sativa? 


Anyway, the main reason for my post is to ask if anyone has a good, medical analysis report via a link I could read up on. I look forward to relaxing three times a week, but right now it looks as if I might not even have that available to me.


Thank all.


PS: Wouldn't it be nice if the UK government legalised cannabis so we could grow our own and thus know what we are putting into our bodies!?

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3 minutes ago, SeaJay said:

so we could grow our own and thus know what we are putting into our bodies!?



you can, i don't care about the law in this regard, never have tbh.


i have anxiety issues, i'm having a break atm and my anxiety seems to have melted away for now

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Just now, ratdog said:



you can, i don't care about the law in this regard, never have tbh.

I don't have the guts to take the risk to be honest. 

Just now, ratdog said:


i have anxiety issues, i'm having a break atm and my anxiety seems to have melted away for now

So, you think the weed might be increasing your anxiety?

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Just now, SeaJay said:

A chocolate brownie about the size of my thumb (at most, usually a bit less

Depends if you’ve got really big hands :) 



The government have put us in the position that if we need this medicine in our life then the best way is to grow our own :yep:


Sometimes it can be difficult with family around etc,

but get a cupboard in your bedroom kitted out with an LED and extraction/filtration system and ask around for suggestions about what strains might best suit your needs.

You’ve already made the first step by becoming a member here lol 







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27 minutes ago, Shumroom said:

Depends if you’ve got really big hands :) 



The government have put us in the position that if we need this medicine in our life then the best way is to grow our own :yep:


Sometimes it can be difficult with family around etc,

but get a cupboard in your bedroom kitted out with an LED and extraction/filtration system and ask around for suggestions about what strains might best suit your needs.

You’ve already made the first step by becoming a member here lol 







Thanks for the encouragement. We live in a council-rented house, so unfortunately, if I'm caught, we're all out on the street. 

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The government handed licenses to grow to their friends, they lost all right to dictate whether or not we can grow it.

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54 minutes ago, SeaJay said:

So, you think the weed might be increasing your anxiety?



i've been on it for the best part of 34 years, i've struggled with anxiety all my life, it's got worse as i got older, and worse in the winter, i noticed i felt better after giving it a rest that has also coincided with summer, but i'm not saying that it caused it either.


i have a very difficult relationship with one of my parents, and that really wasn't helping me relax when stoned, i also work for myself, and the first 5 months of this year were very demanding/stressful.


like everything in life, there are lots of layers. i definitely feel better sober atm, and have been much more interested in reading and playing my guitar.

Edited by ratdog
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Paranoia comes naturally with most narcotics.....so does anxiety  tbh  I've smoked dope for 41 yrs and I'd have episodes of  para that would last from a few day's  sometimes week's :yes: but I say but I've always been a gutsy fuka  smoking a bong hitting over an ounce weekly lol I started smoking dope back in 1982 I was 14 beforebefore The dope I smoked fags players number 6 mainly in school, I'd buy 5 fags from the local shop age 12 at 20p per 5 they came with 1 match poked in the end of the fag to light the fuka up :doh: the local shop made a killing on us kids as 10 pack was 28p lol the thing is with paranoia it creeps up on you,the more narcotics you use the worse it gets,its a case of keeping your head when everyone around you losing theirs head strong is where its at,I also grew dope for 41 yrs until I had to quit 19 weeks ago, tbh now being straight narcotics free its a massive difference in head space I used to go weeks on an episode para about burning the gaff down to the ground whilst sleeping at night with all my setups running, yes I had to fires in my career do to being stoned and forgetting my shit:doh: but that never stopped me growing possibly if it wernt for my dogs back then i might be dead lol they woke me 1 morning to the gaff ablaze I mean ablaze :chains: to this day it still scares me looking back as it was a flat sat above a potential bomb,anyway in 41 years of smoking dope I never had a dream that I remembered, 19 weeks ago duw to unforeseen circumstances i was forced to quit growing/ smoking dope ......long story since then im now getting the most vivid dreams one could imagine some quite scary lol  the thing is with paranoia ya got to learn to deal with it its only in your head :yes: as for Constable maclagen fuk him we not on this ball to be judged by any cunt imho,on the other hand when i smoked dope the anxiety was quite full on,I always felt like I was on the starting blocks ready for take off and I never understood why lol I've now been narcotics free fir several months and my headspace  feels more in control maybe it's as I've no worries anymore or that my brain is working in normal fashion lol the thing is with any narcotics there's always a chance in mentality wether we like it or not, my advice is keep off the marching powder and chill the fuk out..... or btw leave them shrooms where they are and never boil them :hippy:

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@SeaJay Maybe ease off a little and see how you feel. Consider a CBD strain to avoid anxiety.


Indica - Couchlock

Sativa - Lively (awake)


Cannabis isn't the answer to everything.




ETA: In no way am I a mental heath expert. In no way! My wife uses medicinal cannabis but her issues are very different to yours. It helps her.


Edited by Lux_Interior
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The only thing that make you paranoid about taking cannabis is others saying you shouldn't. I suffer with mental health & have done quite bad for around 15yr now occasionally having to take small breaking from the forums because of it. But the fact I couldn't give a damb who says I can't smoke cannabis I will still do it & 100% not hide it. If others don't like it that their fault. I don't complain if they go to a pub for a drink ect. It's a plant & a medicine & I for one won't be shamed to the point It could cause me to get paranoid about it. & yes I do smoke a lot of racy sativa or as other call them paranoia weed with zero paranoia. :yinyang:

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I'm bipolar and the wrong strains (generally the more 'up' ones) are not good for me, they exacerbate my anxiety (they don't cause me paranoia - anxiety and paranoia are very different things, anxiety is worrying about things that may happen - they may be extremely unlikey but they are still within the realms of possibility, it's the unhealthy dwelling on bad possibilities but they are still possibilities, however remote, it's just fixating on the worst possible outcome, paranoia is feeling threatened or victimised for absolutely no reason at all). The right strain relaxes me and chills that shit out. That's why I grow, so I can select the right strain for me.

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@brock1  I got raided before I started growing and they found absolutely no evidence that cannabis was being grown, and then afterwards thought i should start growing cannabis, I blame the police for giving me the idea lol

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