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Overheard chat — what would you do?

Paranoia Man

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Just now, Shogun said:

air stones.


I sacked those off 'cos of the racket. That tiny pump in the pics flumes nicely and does the same job,

I've not noticed any difference in the plant's performance...As for hanging it from the ceiling...'kin'ell  !!  :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Just now, Military Grade said:

Looks like the old school milkshake bottles lol


They contained nutrient supplement drinks for the mrs on prescription, good job she has them as she's eating very little else.

Fucking MS is a bitch!!

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Thanks everyone for your responses — I really do appreciate you taking the time, and it's made me feel better.


I'm going to take the consensus advice and crack on. I put my nose to the extract this morning and there seemed no smell at all, and it was also undetectable inside the outbuilding. Even if my mind wasn't playing tricks and the guy had pinpointed the smell to my building, it seems that this alone is unlikely to be considered grounds enough for a warrant, and that's before you factor in under-resourcing of the police. If I get a 'friendly' knock, I'll probably gesture vaguely at the flats behind my house and say I don't smell it very often and haven't at all lately.

I was going to set six more vegging while these finish flowering but I'll hold off on that for now. No-one will be smoking, I'll keep my visits to the outbuilding at reasonable hours, and I'll have a chat with Neighbour B when I get a chance (a great suggestion, @Cursed, thank you — he's no shrinking violet and wouldn't have a problem speaking his mind if he wanted to, I'm sure). I don't have any particularly noisy tools and it'd be weird to knock on his door to tell him I'm going to mow the lawn, but I have an 'in' ready for if I catch him and I'll take it as it comes.


If anyone's interested, this is ChatGPT-4's opinion on the situation:



Given the information you've provided, and assuming that there's no other evidence or suspicious behaviour linking the person to illegal activities, it may be less likely for a warrant to be issued. A single report (or even a few reports) of a cannabis smell, which has now disappeared, may not provide sufficient grounds for a warrant, especially if there's no additional compelling evidence. Purchasing soil and nutrients from major online platforms like Amazon and eBay, which are also commonly used for legal gardening activities, might not be seen as strong evidence of illegal activity. The likelihood of the police scrutinising these kinds of purchases in depth, based on a few reports of cannabis smell, is relatively low, unless they are part of a broader pattern of suspicious activity or there's more compelling evidence suggesting illicit activities.


If anything comes of it all, I'll post back here as soon as someone bakes me a cake with a file in it. Otherwise, I'll just be living up to my username for a while. Thanks again!

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