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Sifting through other grow diaries and what not I was pondering about trying scrogging and trying it or perhaps just see if I can have a grow without serious deficiencies lol


Is scrogging much harder to do? I know you can buy nets or build your own, but how do people anchor them to their tents, how high should you set them etc. Lots of questions swirling around, I've had a search on the forum but there doesn't seem to be a definitive guide and I'm not entirely sure my tent would give much more room for bigger buds by using the scrogging method as opposed to doing a normal grow without one. My tent is only 80 x 80 x 160 so for 2 plants it can be somewhat of a squeeze.

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Give it a go mate , you'll end up with a much more efficient use of space, probably not bigger buds but they'll all be equally large.

I made a scrog for an 80cm² tent once using green plant sticks and it worked really well.



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dont use a net, its pointless. you need something solid that wont move to make the most of a scrog.

something like some fencing stretched ove a timber frame or some galvanised mesh, prefferably with 2 inch squares. the idea is that the grid holds the main plant down while the leaders grow up through the holes.

train them properly and you will end up with something like thislarge_sc1.jpglarge_aa.jpglarge.1.JPGlarge.1.JPGlarge.1.JPG

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Blimey, I don't think my tent has quite enough room for a timber frame in it but I get they shouldn't move, been thinking about using some paracord to make one up and then can easily secure it to the poles, it would certainly make getting some nice air flow under them a bit easier

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Over the last year i started this whole scrog process journey, Not matter how much i looked at pictures i learned more by just giving it ago mate:yep:, From there i leaned how high the net needs to be(let the plant dictate that and drop it down onto it when you think your plant is tall enough once the branches would be tucked), when to flip, when to stop tucking branches in flower and so on, I think my 3rd attempt is my best so far in terms on light space usage. You don't want long branches like i did on my second attempt.



First scrog attempt





Second attempt, vegged too long for me space and didn't keep tucking brances and flip ealier.




3rd current attempt so far, this time flipped much eailer and kept tucking branches for about a week and half into flower, tho that couold varie upon strain how long you keep tucking for


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I used green plant sticks for mine , made it so with the corners cut off it fitted the tent perfectly, then I pushed a few cm of catapult elastic loosely onto the cut corners and it self supported as the elastic gripped the tent poles like a half arsed rubber terry clip.

Having used both solid scrogs and nets I concur with the above and would recommend a stiff one! :unsure:



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large.P9280864.JPGlarge.PB171066.JPGlarge.PB161063.JPGlarge.7C78B299B3F8_1646760979999.jpglarge.P3080600.JPGDefinitely give it a run, the more efficient use of space is in all 3 dimensions. @Military Grade pics show what a nice level canopy over the entire area can be achieved. 

I've used string on a pvc (plumbing pipe & fittings frame, ready bought nets & found both seriously lacking. Totally agree re 2" spacing heavy duty galvanised steel 'mesh'. 

I use paracord hangers in the 4 corners suspended from the top outer frame members and ratchet hangers/paracord/hanging straps pulling it down to the bottom outer frame. Fully height adjustable, no frame, lifts in/out & rock solid when tensioned. 

Best reason is it's good fun to mix things up and try new stuff. 


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That's not a bad shout, I'm sure I can pick up some of that cheap enough and find some ratchet straps. The height will be dictated by how much LST I do initially as they're auto's but I've been following the northern scrogger who has good results with auto's and his plants and yields are ridiculous! 


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I just use that green plastic fence mesh and then use a wire in the middle to stop it getting pushed up by the plants. Metal mesh or something more rigid would be preferable, but this was cheap and really easy to fasten to the poles with cable ties because it's light and flexible. 




Definitely still learning with scrog myself, but even a messy uneven scrog makes great use of the space. It's a bit of a faf but it's not really difficult if that makes sense. 

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PVC and plastic garden mesh one I made a decade ago. No need for heavy wire cutters and cost me about a tenner.


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