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Crow River

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That's the two remaining Shaman girls chopped and brought back to base to dry. Had to cut quite a few small pieces of rot out, but not as bad as last time. No way these girls would have survived the storm that's arriving tonight. Just a pity the good weather at the start of the month didn't last a bit longer, maybe things would have turned out differently. Neither girl was finished, but with better conditions they probably would have been ready in a fortnight or less.




And that's pretty much the end of this diary. Might post a vape report in due course, but it will be at least a couple of months away as I always do a full cure first. 


Thanks to @Antonio_DutchPassion for generously supplying the beans. It's been an adventure. :) 


Edited by Crow River
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Big thanks to you for completing this diary and sharing all the information and the pictures with us :realcool:

it was really nice to follow you on this journey way up north, and personally I just love a good guerrilla grow.. its where and when my love for the plant emerged as well.

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@Antonio_DutchPassion thanks, I really appreciate your comments. 


I think I have got the outdoor grow bug now. Despite the various problems encountered this season, growing in the fresh air under the sun just feels right. I'll definitely be back for more next year. :yep: Might try a more focused approach, with fewer plants and hopefully some improvements to the plots.


See you next time. :) 



Edited by Crow River
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Big props mate :yep:     For your location , the dismal season we have had .... you pulled it off mate :george:


I did notice a rather nice aroma during chop & initial drying but nothing during the cook  ,  was your similar ?  


Will have a good cath up in your adventures very shortly  &  hope alls well in your world mucker :yep:

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@OldFord thanks for the kind words. I did notice a really pleasant niff from the Shaman at harvest time. Never had any smell from my outdoor girls except up close or when touched. Except for the greenhouse grow, that got a bit funky in hot weather sometimes...

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Just now, Crow River said:

@OldFord, good point. I have a couple of beans left over. Raises some interesting possibilities.... :) 


Was just a thought and something that i thought the garden grower would appreciate and poss find useful :yep:

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@Crow River congrats bruvva, you put in the graft mate and considering how far north you are you did fuking awsome :yep:

All very well deserved crow..

So you got the bug eh lol

Its like no habit you have ever had before dude, once it grabs you its very hard to get out again lollol

But who really wants to ;)


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@Revive cheers mate. I reckon if we'd had a slightly drier September, there would not have been such an early onset of rot. Then maybe the full season strains like Shaman would have done better. Still, no complaints from me, given I didn't plant out this plot until July they have all done well. 


The whole guerrilla thing is a real blast, but I also enjoy a garden type experience (even though I've no garden of my own). With the knowledge and experience gained this season, and some decent plots now established, should be better prepared next year. I've already had some thoughts on how the plots can be improved, boundary changes, soil amendments, and so on.


Apart from anything else, this outdoor lark keeps you fit! I'm now really good at vaulting over walls and fences. lollol Before this year I didn't think I had the upper body strength or agility to do it, after all I'm no spring chicken. I've found out that once you know what you're doing, it's easy and requires little effort. Similarly I hope that with better prep, next season's outdoor growing will be a bit less work than this one. :yep:


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@Crow River yeah mate its a whole lot of fun and comes with little bonuses as you point out.

Its pretty easy to achieve self sufficiency if you get it right and the risk is minimal if your half switched on..

Its a mixed bag of emotions mind from excitement and thrills to soul destroying sadness when the rot starts to creep in..

Throwing big ass colas in the bushes is something I will never find easy after all the hard work that goes into it..it pisses me off every year tbh.

Yeah you will be much more prepared next season mate and as you run a good few diff vars you will prob have some favs to run again next year.

Good stuff mate enjoy the fruits of your labour :yep:


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Just now, Revive said:

Its a mixed bag of emotions mind from excitement and thrills to soul destroying sadness when the rot starts to creep in..


That's part of the fun in a way. The highs, the lows, the adrenaline, the heartbreak...


The main thing for me though is that grown "naturally", cannabis plants have a beauty all their own. And they give you a bunch of nearly free weed too if you're lucky. :) 

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Word! :thumsup:


Guess you @Revive and @Crow River have covered them all! :yep:

You win some you loose some right, its all about that magical experience of being in the outdoors growing your own crop, enjoying the sun on your eyes, the birds chirping.. just like its supposed to be in the natural world! :wub:


All these bullshit society rules came long after our connection with these plants and I personally feel its deeply embedded in our dna/bodies.

Respect to all the growers out there! :rockon:

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  • 7 months later...

Well, as my Frisian Duck crosses haven't worked out, a few hours ago I wet my remaining two Shaman beans. Thanks again to @Antonio_DutchPassion for the seeds. 


If they germinate successfully, I very much hope they'll do better outdoors this season.

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